Chairman Dave Camp

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*UPDATE: NEW TIME* Camp Announces Hearing on Tax Reform and Charitable Contributions
Feb 14, 2013 | 9:30 AM - *UPDATE: NEW TIME* All other details will remain the same. The hearing will being immediately following the full committee markup that begins at 9:30 AM. Focus Of The Hearing The hearing will examine the itemized deduction for charitable contributions as part of the Committee’s work on comprehensive... More

Meeting - Consideration of Ways and Means Oversight Letter
Feb 14, 2013 | 9:30 AM - Chairman Camp has scheduled a Meeting of the Committee on Ways and Means to be held on Thursday, February 14, 2013, at 9:30 AM in the main hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building. The Meeting is for the purpose of considering the Committee’s oversight plan for the 113th Congress. Attached... More

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