Secretary Travels to Poland

Name Locale Remarks Date
William Pierce Rogers Warsaw Accompanied President Nixon on official visit. Signed consular convention with Poland. May 31-​June 1, 1972
Henry A Kissinger Warsaw Accompanied President Ford on an official visit. July 28-​29, 1975
Cyrus Roberts Vance Warsaw Accompanied President Carter on an official visit. December 29-​31, 1977
James Addison Baker Warsaw, Gdansk Accompanied President Bush. July 9-​11, 1989
James Addison Baker Warsaw Met with Polish officials and leaders of Solidarity. May 6, 1990
James Addison Baker Warsaw Accompanied President Bush on a visit. July 5, 1992
Warren Minor Christopher Warsaw Accompanied President Clinton. July 6, 1994
Madeleine Korbel Albright Warsaw Accompanied President Clinton. July 10-​11, 1997
Madeleine Korbel Albright Warsaw, Gdansk Attended Ministerial Panel on Democracy and International Organizations and the World Forum on Democracy; received an honorary degree from the University of Gdansk. June 24-​27, 2000
Colin Luther Powell Warsaw Accompanied President Bush during a State Visit. June 15-​16, 2001
Colin Luther Powell Krakow Accompanied President Bush. May 30-​31, 2003
Colin Luther Powell Warsaw Met with Foreign Minister Cimoszewicz and attended ceremonies commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. July 31-​August 1, 2004
Condoleezza Rice Warsaw Met with Prime Minister Belka and Foreign Minister Rotfeld. February 5, 2005
Condoleezza Rice Warsaw Signed a ballistic missile defense agreement. August 19-​21, 2008
Hillary Rodham Clinton Krakow Met with Foreign Minister Sikorski. Commemorated the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Community of Democracies. Signed a ballistic missile defense agreement. July 2-​3, 2010