Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering

The Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMSE) supports the majority of basic research conducted at Ames Laboratory. DMSE performs research funded, to a large extent, by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences. In addition, DMSE receives funding from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Fossil Energy, and the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Individual projects encompass a research spectrum ranging from grand challenge and discovery research that address fundamental limitations in our understanding of complex states of matter to research that guides design of new materials with promise to impact energy technologies. Several projects are also concerned with applied research and an emphasis on performance, cost reduction, and durability of materials. DMSE is well positioned to implement specific strategic initiatives for growth in its research portfolio aligned with the Ames Laboratory's Scientific Strategic Plan and complement the overall mission of the U.S. Department of Energy. Major elements of this Scientific Strategic Plan that pertain directly to DMSE include:

  • Attain world-leading experimental, theoretical, and computational research programs and reputations in the discovery, design, synthesis, understanding, and control of novel, sustainable materials.
  • Perform world-leading research utilizing and developing advanced characterization capabilities, especially 1) angle-resolved photoemission, 2) neutron and x-ray scattering, 3) solid-state NMR, 4) ultrasensitive chemical and structural analysis, and 5) ultra precise frequency measurements.
  • Establish world-leading research programs and reputations in the design and development of materials for energy-related applications, including: 1) energy-efficient processes and technologies, 2) energy generation, and 3) energy storage.
  • Build a world-leading comprehensive national resource for innovative materials discovery, design, synthesis, scalable processing, and control of novel bulk and nano-structured materials.
  • Develop world-leading solid-state NMR capabilities.