Indoor Residual Spraying for Malaria Control

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Date of Operation: 2008 – 2014

Primary Implementing Partner: Abt Associates

Regions of Operation: Oromia


Lower the malaria incidence and reduce the frequency of malaria epidemics therefore reducing malaria-associated morbidity and mortality within Oromia


  • Implement ‘best practice’, environmentally compliant insecticide residual spraying (IRS) operations to reduce malaria transmission in selected zones / districts of Oromia.
  • Conduct comprehensive entomological surveillance to monitor the biological and physiological impact of IRS on malaria vectors.


Indoor Residual Spraying is a proven and highly effective malaria control measure that involves the coordinated, timely spraying of the interior walls of homes with insecticides. The mosquitoes are killed when they rest on the walls. IRS is a key component of the National Malaria Prevention and Control Strategy in Ethiopia. In close partnership with the Oromia Regional Health Bureau (ORHB), USAID has implemented the project to date in 50 districts in Oromia.

The project supports IRS operations, procurements, logistics, monitoring and evaluation, and environmental compliance and control in the selected districts in the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia, and is rapidly building national capacity for Indoor Residual Spaying.

Expected Results:

  • Strengthen the capacity of planning, implementing and monitoring of IRS operations in Ethiopia at national, regional and district levels
  • Coordinate and implement IRS operation in 50 districts ensuring an IRS coverage rate of 85%
  • Strengthen entomological monitoring for insecticide resistance and insecticide residual efficacy
  • Ensure high quality environmental compliance of the IRS program operations and procure mobile incinerators for non-DDT waste disposal
  • Conduct a situational analysis and quantification of all the existing IRS waste and left over or expired insecticide in Ethiopia that need to be incinerated