Policy Memorandum #05

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policies for Civilian Employees

IMHM-HRS                                                                                                    30 July 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #5, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policies for Civilian Employees

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Army Substance Abuse Program Coordinator. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.  References.

     a.  Executive Order 12564, Drug-Free Federal Workplace, 15 Sep 86.

     b.  AR 600-85, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), 2 Feb 09.

     c.  DA Pamphlet 600-85, Army Substance Abuse Program Civilian Services, 15 Oct 01.

4.  Applicability.  This policy letter is applicable to all military and civilian personnel supervisors assigned to USAG Humphreys.

5.  Substance abuse is inconsistent with the high standards of performance, discipline, and readiness necessary to accomplish the Army’s mission.  Alcohol and drug abuse/use pose a serious health hazard to the abuser and may have a social and financial impact on those closest to the abuser.  Substance abuse may lead to impaired duty performance and absenteeism.  This causes a hardship to the abuser’s coworkers, who may have to assume added responsibilities.  It is imperative supervisors learn to recognize performance problems and take effective action when these problems are identified.

6.  Alcohol and illegal drug use/abuse can have devastating consequences to the abuser, the abuser’s organization, and to the installation.  Supervisors at all levels must address behaviors, on or off the job that impair duty performance using the following:

    a.  Civilian employees known to abuse alcohol or drugs and/or whose negative job performance, conduct, and or attendance record may stem from a substance abuse problem should be offered the services of the installation Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

    b.  Supervisors should limit counseling to job performance or conduct, and avoid counseling on personal matters.  If rehabilitative efforts fail, normal disciplinary measures may be taken.  Supervisors will seek guidance and assistance from Management Employee Relations (MER).

    c.  Possession or use of illegal or illegally obtained drugs on-the-job or on the premises of this installation may be cause for appropriate criminal sanctions and/or disciplinary action.  The use of alcoholic beverages while on-duty will not be tolerated.

7.  It is important to maintain a healthy workforce.  Supervisors at all levels are responsible for educating subordinates and enforcing this policy. 

8.  Point of contact is the Army Substance Abuse Program, Employee Assistance Program Coordinator at 753-7366.


                                                                        DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                        COL, SF


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