Policy Memorandum #04

Insurance and Investment Solicitation

IMHM-HR                                                                                                 1 August 2012 


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #4, Insurance and Investment Solicitation

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Human Resources. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 AR 210-7, Personal Commercial Solicitation on Army Installations, 18 Oct 07.

4. Insurance and Investment agents or brokers are authorized to sell insurance or securities within USAG Humphreys only with prior approval by the Garrison Commander or designated representative.  For the sale of life insurance policies, only companies accredited by DOD for solicitation on military basis overseas will be considered for approval.  The Directorate of Human Resources (Solicitation Officer) is responsible for processing any such solicitation request.  

5. There are a number of restrictions on insurance agents and security brokers designed to protect potential clients.  Insurance solicitation is a privilege that can be revoked if insurance agents are not complying with pre-established guidelines.  The standards of conduct and limitations are clearly identified in the solicitation agreement, and signed and agreed upon by each Insurance Agent.

6.  Any violations of these rules must be reported immediately to the Solicitation Officer.  IAW AR 210-7, violations will be reported through the chain-of-command in official memorandum format to the Garrison Commander.  The Solicitation Officer will inquire into the allegation, take those steps necessary to resolve the issue, and make an appropriate recommendation to the Garrison Commander as to whether solicitation privileges should be revoked.   Upon receipt of a complaint, solicitation privileges may be immediately revoked pending the outcome of the inquiry.  Regardless of the method utilized, the agent, broker, or parent company will be notified and given an opportunity to respond.  

7. Point of contact is the USAG Humphreys Solicitation Officer at 753-6736.


3 Encls                                                             DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
1.  Letter of Authorization                                 COL, SF
2.  Solicitation Agreement                                 Commanding
3.  Insurance Checklist


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Date created: 11/19/2010 3:13:38 PM
Date last updated: 11/15/2012 2:57:54 PM