Monthly Archives: May 2010

Control System Software And The Nonresponse Followup Stage of The 2010 Census

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At this writing we have completed roughly 62% of the nonresponse interview workload. Our field staff have done a wonderful job especially dealing with balky computer control issues. I’ve blogged before on problems we’ve had with the software that we … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 26 Comments

Progress Report, Three Weeks Into Nonresponse Followup

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We’ve finished the third week of the Nonresponse Followup stage of the 2010 Census. The completion of interviews in this phase is proceeding roughly on schedule. As of Saturday, we completed over 50% of the entire workload. I continue to … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 37 Comments

Why am I Being Contacted by The Census Bureau – I Returned my Form!

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Some questions are coming in from folks who completed and mailed back their census forms, but are being visited by census workers in person, or receiving a phone call from the US Census Bureau. It might be a good time … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 36 Comments

Progress Report, Two Weeks Into Nonresponse Followup

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We’ve finished the second week of the Nonresponse Followup stage of the 2010 Census. The enumerators are firing on all cylinders with completed forms coming into our approximately 500 offices each day. As of Sunday, we completed roughly 36% of … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 23 Comments

Computer-Assisted Data Collection

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We have a variety of software systems that are used in the 2010 Census. Three of them are central to the conduct of the census—a personnel and payroll system, an operation control system, and an optical scanning system to process … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 28 Comments