United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

U.S. Africa Command USAFRICOM

July 2012

U.S. Army Gen. Carter F. Ham

Ham Describes Africa as Land of Opportunity, Challenges

Five years since the standup of U.S. Africa Command, its commander has called Africa a land of great opportunity, and has said the continent presents threats not only to the immediate region, but to the United States and its interests as well. Story

Africom Leaders Use New Strategic Guidance to Shape Command's Role

After a year of significant change sweeping the African continent, U.S. Africa Command is using the new defense strategic guidance to shape its engagement in the theater. Story

Africom Strives to ‘Turn on Lights’
Against Terrorism in Africa

Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, said he is committed to working with African partners to confront violent extremists and eliminate terrorist safe havens and support groups on the continent. Story

U.S. Paves Way for African Counter-
Drug Cooperation, Success

When U.S. Africa Command was garnering unprecedented international attention in October 2011 during its campaign to protect Libyan civilians against Moammar Ghadafi’s violent crackdown against a rebellion, the command achieved another, less headline-dominating victory. Story

Africom Promotes Humanitarian-
Response Readiness in Africa

U.S. Africa Command and interagency participants are providing training and other aid to African partner nations so they can better confront the challenges of drought and famine as part of ongoing humanitarian response and security efforts on the continent. Story