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Oct 3, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON- Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), the Ranking House Member of the Joint Economic Committee, today released the following statement on the Department of Labor Jobs report, which indicates a 55th consecutive month of private sector job growth. The economy added 248,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.9 percent.

Oct 1, 2014 Press Release

NEW YORK – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney today announced that the President has just signed into law an extension of the Debbie Smith Act, a bill she authored which became law in 2004 and has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to address the nationwide rape kit DNA analysis backlog.

Oct 1, 2014 In The News

A bipartisan group of lawmakers urged the five major sports leagues to review their domestic violence policies in light of players' recent controversies.

Identical letters were sent to the heads of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Hockey League, National Basketball Association and Major League Soccer.
