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Smart Grid Program


The objective of the Smart Grid Program is to develop and deploy advances in measurement science to enable integration of interoperable and secure real-time sensing, control, communications, information and power technologies, in order to increase efficiency, reliability and sustainability of the nation’s electric grid.


The Smart Grid Program develops and implements measurement science underpinning modernization of the Nation’s electric grid in order to improve system efficiency, reliability and sustainability, by incorporating distributed intelligence, bi-directional communications and power flows, and additional advancements to create a smart grid. In response to a mandate given by Congress and the Administration, NIST, through its Engineering Laboratory-led Smart Grid program and public-private Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), is leading the coordination and acceleration of smart grid interoperability and security standards in collaboration with the private sector and has published the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability, which provides the foundation for future work. By utilizing expertise in NIST’s Engineering, Physical Measurement and Information Technology Laboratories, this program will advance the measurement science that will increase asset utilization and efficiency, improve grid reliability, and enable greater use of renewable energy sources in the grid through research, standardization, testing and implementation of the NIST Framework.

Through the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 – EISA (Public Law 110-140), NIST is charged with “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems …” Having developed a Framework and successfully engaged hundreds of private and public sector stakeholders by establishing the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), NIST has a unique opportunity to leverage the underlying capabilities in multiple Laboratories to advance the measurement science needs for the smart grid. This is consistent with the Engineering Laboratory (EL) strategic goal/objective to enable the next generation of innovative and competitive manufacturing, construction, and cyber-physical systems through advances in measurement science. Additionally, the Smart Grid program contributes to sustainable and energy efficient manufacturing, materials, and infrastructure, particularly through embedded intelligence in buildings and net-zero energy high performance buildings. The primary EL core competencies leveraged by the Smart Grid program are systems integration, engineering, and processes for cyber-physical systems and intelligent sensing, control, processes, and automation for cyber-physical systems, with additional support from the EL core competency of energy efficient and intelligent operation of buildings with healthy indoor environments.    

Major Accomplishments:

Some recent accomplishments for the Smart Grid Program include:
  • NIST Smart Grid Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 1.0 (January 2010) and Release 2.0 (February 2012):  These authoritative Framework documents are the primary NIST output fulfilling its EISA role, providing to the U.S. and world smart grid industry the high-level guidance on architectural and cybersecurity principles, standards, and testing and certification based on consensus industry input supported by a comprehensive public review process.
  • New private/public organization: Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP, established in November 2009) With over 750 member organizations and significant international participation, the SGIP is recognized as the leading worldwide organization and forum for smart grid standards coordination and testing and certification guidance.
  • New or revised Smart Grid standards and guides: NIST-facilitated output from a variety of standards development organizations and other groups, including as part of priority action plans within the SGIP, have been developed and published, covering areas such as energy usage information, smart meters, electric vehicles, demand response, and guidelines for assessing wireless standards for smart grid applications.
  • Cybersecurity guidelines and standards: These are NIST-facilitated or NIST Interagency Report output from NIST, the SGIP Cyber Security Working Group, and other groups. The primary NIST-facilitated contribution, NISTIR 7628 Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security (Volumes 1, 2, and 3), provides an analytical framework that organizations can use to develop effective cyber security strategies tailored to their particular combinations of smart grid-related characteristics, risks, and vulnerabilities.
  • Testing and certification methods and tools: NIST-facilitated output includes the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP)-published Interoperability Process Reference Manual (IPRM), Version 2.0, which provides recommendations on processes and best practices that enhance the introduction of interoperable products into smart grid markets.
  • Measurement methods and tools: Development of these methods and tools result in a variety of publications, guides, and models covering areas including synchrophasor, advanced meters, time synchronization, building-to-grid and other testbeds, and system performance models.