Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Chief of Pathology: (706) 787-6345
NCOIC of Pathology: (706) 787-4867
Front Desk: (706) 787-8364
Transfusion Services: (706) 787-8300

Patient Information
Office of the Chief
General Laboratory
Anatomic Pathology
Clinical Pathology External Link - Opens in New Window
Armed Services Blood Program


Welcome to the Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center's Pathology web site. Pathology is responsible for providing clinical laboratory and anatomical pathology support to Eisenhower Army Medical Center and the U. S. Army's Southeast Regional Medical Command. Pathology is comprised of the Clinical Pathology Service, the Anatomic Pathology Service, the Pathology Support Service, and oversees the Commander's Decentralized (Point of Care Testing) Laboratories. Pathology also trains Phase II (68K) Medical Laboratory Technicians from the Army Medical Department Center and School and students in phlebotomy rotations from Aiken Technical College.

The Pathology Mission

Pathology provides high quality diagnostic testing and consultative services in support of optimum patient care while maintaining military readiness. We provide a safe working environment and work together as a team, empowering all members to have a voice in departmental growth and change. We provide an outstanding educational opportunity for our students and continuing medical and military education for our departmental staff. We accomplish our goals in a customer friendly, cost-effective and fiscally responsible manner.

Contact Information

Chief of Pathology (706) 787-6345
NCOIC of Pathology (706) 787-4867
Front Desk (706) 787-8364
Transfusion Services (706) 787-8300

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The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Department of Defense of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the United States Department of Defense does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.

Recommended Links

College of American Pathologists External Link - Opens in New Window
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology External Link - Opens in New Window

Accredited by College of American Pathologists

Patient information about Glucose Tolerance Testing is here.