Hiring People Under Community Supervision-An Employer’s Perspective-Andre Marr

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Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2010/11/hiring-people-under-community-supervision-an-employer%e2%80%99s-perspective-andre-marr/

The program interviews Andre Marr, President and CEO of A&E Air Conditioning of Washington, D.C. Mr. Marr served time in prison many years ago. Based on that experience, he started “Product of the Product”  three years ago to assist individuals caught up in the criminal justice system.

The program addresses the hiring of people on parole and probation supervision.

The website for Product of the Product is www.productoftheproduct.org. Mr. Marr’s e-mail address is shortymarr@aol.com.

Please see the “Hiring People on Community Supervision” portion of CSOSA’s website at http://www.csosa.gov.

The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
