SNAP Science and New Tools for Data Analysis
(SNAP 2011)

November 16 - 17, 2011

Spallation Neutron Source • Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Oak Ridge, Tennessee



About the Workshop

Neutrons are a rich and mostly untapped resource for the high pressure community. They have multiple, powerful advantages that include sensitivity to light atoms, magnetic order and the possibility to tune scattering strength using isotopic enrichment. With the advent of the SNS Spallation source, diffraction measurements at unprecedented pressures and temperatures are now within reach. In particular, the SNAP diffractometer has grown into an extremely promising tool for high-pressure science. This workshop will focus on present and future science preformed at the SNAP high pressure diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source.  This workshop is geared towards the high pressure community but not necessarily experienced in neutron scattering.

The goals of this workshop are twofold: to present the status of science experiments performed at SNAP, and to provide guidance to current and new users regarding the submission of successful proposals.  The instrument team will share details of new developments in both hardware and software.  It is expected that this workshop will improve the scientific output of experiments at SNAP while also expanding the SNAP user community with researchers new to neutron scattering. Time will be allocated for discussions of the data collected with an eye to future beam time required to complete projects.

There is some available funding for participants but space is limited to 20 people so there will be an application process. There is no registration fee, however each attendee will be expected to make a presentation.  Participants working on SNAP data are encouraged to present  a science talk based on their research, and the data collected.  Potential new SNAP users will be expected to make a short 10-minute oral 'poster' presentation discussing their research followed by a discussion of how it could benefit from neutron scattering at the SNS.

This is a satellite event of the ORNL Neutron Scattering User Meeting.