Beacon Community Program

Delta BLUES Beacon Community (Stoneville, MS)

The state of Mississippi

Overview and Goals

Delta BLUES (Better Living Utilizing Electronic Systems) Beacon Community is one of 17 ONC-funded Beacon Communities building and strengthening local health IT infrastructure and testing innovative approaches to make measurable improvements in health, care and cost. Meaningful Use of electronic health records (EHR) is the foundation of the exciting work in each community. Funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, and led by the Delta Health Alliance (DHA), Delta BLUES is focused on:

  • Improving health outcomes for diabetic patients in the Delta by promoting effective use of EHRs and optimizing care delivery in primary care settings
  • Increasing medication adherence rates among diabetic patients by maximizing the contributions of clinical pharmacists and helping patients to develop skills around self-management of chronic disease
  • Ensuring seamless, cost-efficient transitions for patients moving from hospital to home by deploying technology-supported staff dedicated to enhanced care coordination
  • Fostering community-wide health information exchange by enabling information sharing between hospitals and providers

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We really think the Beacon Community will allow physicians to be a lot more efficient, to catch things that they wouldn't have caught, to see more patients in a day because they're aided by this technology.

–Karen Fox, Ph.D., Delta Health Alliance BLUES Beacon Community

Additional Information