Safety Evaluation Reports for
DOE-Certified Packages

1999:  Original Certification

May 2000:  Revision to Add FERMCO Ingot Sections to Authorized Contents

May 2000:  Revision to Add RMI Forged Billets to Authorized Contents

May 2000:  Revision to Add Hanford RMI Billets to Authorized Contents

July 2000:  Revision to Add N-Reactor Ingots with Revised Isotopics to Authorized Contents

Aug. 2000:  Revision to Approve Reduced Loading of Certain Contents

Sep. 2000:  Revision to Increase Enrichment of FERMCO Ingot Sections in Authorized Contents

Nov. 2000:  Revision to Add FERMCO Scrap to Authorized Contents

Dec. 2000:  Revision to Add FERMCO Scrap Ingots to Authorized Contents

Jan. 2001:  Revision to Add Remaining FERMCO Scrap to Authorized Contents

Jan 2001:  Revision to Add Additional Hanford RMI Billets and RMI Forged Billets to Authorized Contents

Mar. 2001:  Revision to Add FERMCO Product Ingots and Mark 15 Ingots to Authorized Contents
April 1992:  Revision to Add FSP-1R Fuel Assemblies to Authorized Contents

July 1992:  Revision to Add Pu Oxide Powder to Authorized Contents

Jan. 1993:  Revision to Add IPNS Enriched Uranium Booster Target Assemblies to Authorized Contents

July 1994:  Revision to Add Thermionic Fuel Elements, Uranium Carbide Fuel Test Assemblies, SP-100 Capsules, and non-fueled Sheath Insulators to Authorized Contents

January 2007:  Supplement to Provide Technical Interpretation on Viton Seals, Replacement Bolts, and Use of Inserts

July 2007:  Revision to Authorize Shipment of Sodium-Bonded Oxide Fuel
April 2011:  SER for Consolidated SAR for Model 10-160B Type B RADWASTE Shipping Cask, Revision 3, 01/2011

March 2012:  SER for the Model 10-160B Cask SAR Source Container Addendum

May 2012:  SER for the Request for Continued Use of EnergySolutions 10-160B Type B Cask
September 2012:  SER for Revision of DOE CoC 9204 based on NRC CoC 9204 Revision 20
1999:  Original Certification

2007:  Revision to Authorize SNL Debris Bed Experiments Content

2010:  Revision to Authorize ANL Radioactive Material

2010:  Revision to Allow The Use of a Larger Viton® GLT/GLT-S O-Ring, an Approved Alternate Leakage Test Method, and an Approved ANL Supplier

March 2012:  SER for The Consolidated SARP NAC-LWT, June 2011

October 2012:  SER for The NAC-LWT, Legal Weight Truck Cask System Revisions 12A, 12B, and 12C, U.S. DOE
2010:  Revision to Authorize Bulk HEU Contents

2011:  Revision to Authorize Bulk HEU Contents (SARP with Page Change 1 & 2)

2012:  Revision to Change U-233 Concentration Limit
2013:  Revision to Authorize Bulk HEU Oxide Air Transport and Uranium Silicide Ground Transport
1993:  Original Certification

1994:  Revision to Authorize Additional Contents

1999:  Revision to Add -85 Designation to CoC

2006:  Revision to Support Certificate Renewal

2006:  Revision to Authorize Higher Content Limits

2007:  Revision to Authorize Addendum No. 1 to Rev. 7c SARP

2008:  Supplement to Authorize Expanded Am-241 Content

2010:  New Revision to Approve (-96) Version of the Package
2005:  Original Certification

2012:  Revision to Update from SARP Revision 4 to Revision 5 to Incorporate Product Deviation Request (PDR) 275
2012:  Original Certification
1996:  Original Certification

2002:  Revision to Authorize Additional Contents

2006:  Revision to Authorize Specific Contents Modifications
For a copy of this SER contact Won Yoon, NE-75, at (301) 903-5634

2008:  Revision to Authorize Specific Contents Modifications
For a copy of this SER contact Won Yoon, NE-75, at (301) 903-5634

2009:  CoC Revision 13 to Authorize New Payload
For a copy of this SER contact Won Yoon, NE-75, at (301) 903-5634

2009:  Addendum 4 to Authorize New Payload
For a copy of this SER contact Won Yoon, NE-75, at (301) 903-5634

2011:  Consolidated SER for the RTG System SARP
For a copy of this SER contact Won Yoon, NE-75, at (301) 903-5634

2008:  Original Certification
  2010:  Revision to Modify Packaging Design
993:  Original Certification

2003:  Renewal
2001:  Certification for Metal and Oxide Contents

2003:  Revision to Approve Rev. 14 SARP

2003:  Revision to Approve Addendum to Rev. 14 SARP

2003:  Revision to Approve Rev. 15 SARP

2004:  Revision to Approve Rev. 0 SARP

2005:  Revision to Approve Addendum 1 to Rev. 0 SARP

2007:  Supplement to Approve Expanded Neptunium Oxide Content Envelope

2007:  Supplement to Approve Shipment of Specific High-Mass 3013 Containers

2008:  New Revision to Approve -96 Version of the Package

2008:  Supplement to Approve U-233 Content Envelope in -85 Version of the Package

2009:  Supplement to Approve Content Envelopes C.10 and C.11 in -85 Version of the Package

2009:  Supplement to Approve Content Envelopes C.10 and C.11 in -96 Version of the Package

2009:  Supplement to Approve RFID Use in -85 Version of the Package

2009:  Supplement to Approve RFID Use in -96 Version of the Package
  2011:  SER for the Amendment Request using either Pressure Drop or Rise Method for Pre-Shipment Leakage Rate Test (-85 version)

  2011:  SER for the Amendment Request using either Pressure Drop or Rise Method for Pre-Shipment Leakage Rate Test (-96 version)

  2011:  SER for the Addendum of Justification for Shipment of Plutonium Oxide in Large Vented Food-Pack Cans (-96 version)

  2011:  SER for the Addendum of Justification for Shipment of Plutonium Oxide in Large Vented Food-Pack Cans (-85 version)

  2011:  Justification to Authorize One-Time, One-Way Shipment Campaign of Neptunium Oxide (-96 version)
2007:  Original Certification

2009:  Revision to Authorize Isentropic Compression Experiment (ICE) Apparatus

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum 3 Rev. 2 for Small Gram Quantity Contents

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum 4 for RFID Use

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum 3 Rev. 4 for Small Gram Quantity Contents

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum 5 Rev. 2 for Training Sources Contents

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum for Shipping a Revised Sleeve and Plug Design

2011:  Revision to Approve for Shipping an Alternate Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) Assembly Configuration

2011:  Revision to Approve the Changes to the Training Sources Contents

2011:  Revision to Use Either Pressure Drop or Pressure Rise Method for Pre-Shipment Leakage Rate Test

2011:  Revision to Use The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System and Extension of Packaging Periodic Maintenance Interval
  2012:  Revision to Approve SARP Addendum 7 for Dual 3013 Contents
2008:  Original Certification

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum for Shipping a Revised Sleeve and Plug Design
2009:  Original Certification

2010:  Revision to Approve Addendum 0 to Rev. 1 SARP
  2011:  Revision to Use Either Pressure Drop or Pressure Rise Method for Pre-Shipment Leakage Rate Test
2010:  SER for SARP Model 9979, Revision 1

2011:  SER for SARP Model 9979, Revision 2

2012:  SER for DOE CoC USA/9979/AF-96, Revision 3

Updated November 5, 2012