Quality Assurance Approval Program
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What documents should you submit to the DOE PCP Manager by October 1, 2010?
  2. Submit the QAAP Compliance Matrix, QA Program Description (QAPD), and implementing documents to the DOE PCP Manager.   Anyone, including NNSA personnel, that ships under DOE Order 460.1C is subject to the QA requirements.   However, if your QA Program has been approved by the NRC, the DOE PCP will accept the NRC Form 311 and the approval letter from NRC as compliance with the requirement in lieu of the matrix and implementing documents referenced in the matrix.   If your QA Program has been approved by the DOE/NNSA, the DOE PCP will accept the NNSA CO approval documentation as evidence of compliance with this requirement in lieu of the matrix and implementing documents referenced in the matrix.

  3. Where do you send these documents?
  4. Mail your compliance documentation (2 paper copies, 2 CD/DVD in pdf) to:

    Dr. James M. Shuler
    Manager DOE PCP
    c/o Eagle Research Group, Inc.
    13241 Executive Park Terrace
    Germantown, MD 20874

  5. What happens if you don't meet the October 1, 2010 deadline?
  6. Only submittals sent by October 1, 2010 are conditionally approved by the DOE HCO.   If you don't meet the deadline, send your documentation to Dr. James Shuler at the same address listed above in item 2.

  7. Can you (DOE/DOE Contractor) make shipments of Type B and Fissile material in certified packages if your QAPD has not been conditionally approved or fully approved by the DOE-HCO (i.e., you missed the DOE HCO deadline)?
  8. No, you are not in-compliance with DOE Order 460.1C; however, contact Dr. Shuler, Manager DOE-PCP to discuss your particular situation.

    Additional Questions? Contact Dr. James M. Shuler, (301) 903-5513, james.shuler@em.doe.gov

Updated October 5, 2010