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 Solid Earth
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The Solid Earth Group focuses on research in six basic areas:

  • deep crustal and mantle processes,
  • remote sensing of the Earth's surface using radar and hyperspectral imaging,
  • near surface topography and interdisciplinary studies of geomorphological processes,
  • cryosphere/hydrosphere/solid Earth gravity and mass changes,
  • the study of crustal faulting, subsidence and volcano deformation using advanced InSAR imaging methods, and
  • understanding the role of the solid Earth in monitoring sea level changes.

The group also features special expertise in radar remote sensing of planetary surfaces, such as employed on the Casinni space craft, and radar and spectral mapping of archeological sites. Some members of the group employ forward modeling and inversion methodologies for analysis of geophysical data, including earthquake focal mechanism data, co-seismic, post-seismic and inter-seismic strain measurements. Members of the group include Project Scientists for the recent Shuttle Radar Topographic Mapping Mission (SRTM) and Deputy Project Scientists for the upcoming DESDynI (Deformation Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics of Ice) satellite mission.

The group has expertise in mapping mineralogical and thermal properties of the Earth's surface. A current group activity involves participation as science PI's in NASA's UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) program to map crustal deformation due to fault motion, ground water change and coastal subsidence phenomenon. Some group members have participated and collaborated with the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and Earthscope (a consortium of universities, private industry and government agencies dedicated to studying the deformation and kinematics of the Earth's lithosphere in western North America). In addition the group has several experts that play an important role in JPL's Mars Exploration Program. The group also has members of the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Science Team who participate in studies of ice mass change of ice sheets and smaller glacier systems, postglacial rebound and large-scale continental hydrological change. Support for the group is primarily provided by the Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Focus Area of NASA's Science Mission Directorates.

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