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Meetings and Workshops

The ILOW workshop organized by LLNL provides a forum for operating organizations of large scale laser facilities to discuss issues and exchange information related to laser facility operations, governance, maintenance, diagnostics, safety and security, and technology.
NIF & Jupiter User Group Meeting 2013
The meeting will describe NIF and JLF's capabilities to current and potential users and will include presentations regarding NIF and JLF experiments and related research at other facilities.
Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets Workshop 2012
This international workshop, held every two years, brings together the leading international researchers in the field of Fast Ignition Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF).
HEC-DPSSL Workshop 2012
This international workshop is devoted to the development of High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers for applications in inertial fusion energy, particle production, radiation production, high-energy-density science, shock physics and material science, and the use of these lasers for commercial applications.
Science of Fusion Ignition on NIF 2012
This international workshop will be organized to discuss the science that has been learned in the National Ignition Campaign, identify new science questions that have arisen, and address these questions over a multi-year time frame.
NIF User Group Meeting 2012
The meeting will describe NIF's capabilities to current and potential users and will include presentations regarding NIF experiments and related research at other facilities.
UR Fusion Science Center Annual Meeting 2010
The meeting will be a review of recent research accomplishments within the FSC (including Fast Ignition, Shock Ignition and Magnetized HEDLP). There will be a focus on the topic of electron divergence.
NIF/Jupiter User Group Meeting 2009
The combination of NIF and Jupiter represents the most sophisticated and diverse set of high-energy-density science research tools in the world available at one site.
Nuclear Astrophysics Conference 2007
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) sponsored this workshop to make nuclear astrophysicists aware of the research possibilities that will be available on the National Ignition Facility.
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