Staff Wellness
lunch bag

DoDEA highly values the health and well-being of every staff member and plans and implement activities and policies that support personal efforts by staff to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Each district/school establishes and maintains a staff wellness committee.
Staff wellness programs provide opportunities for the school faculty to engage in a wide variety of leisure time physical activities geared to adult interests and fitness readiness as well as nutrition education, physical fitness education, stress management and weight management.

Contact Us

Contact Information:
DoDEA Health and Wellness Program
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400

DoDEA Health and Wellness Program: Best Practices

Healthy Kids Club at Feltwell ES

Healthy Kids Club, sponsored by the school nurse and counselor at Feltwell Elementary School, is an after-school activity that focuses on 3 areas of a healthy lifestyle: Physical Exercise, Healthy Eating, and Emotional Well Being. During each hour-long session, the kids prepare a healthy snack, do 40-50 minutes of exercise - rotating through a wide variety of physical activity stations, and learn one health tip (hand washing, relaxation, anger management, etc). Recipes for the healthy snacks are sent home each week and parents are encouraged to participate in physical activities with their child at home. The children also keep a log of their physical activity throughout the week, and earn a "Foot" for each increment of physical activity completed. Students can combine the "feet charms" they earn on a necklace, making a vivid visual record of their increased level of physical activity.
Many students earn 50 - 60 "feet" for exercise performed outside of school during the 7 weeks of Healthy Kids Club! Often kids join the club with pre-conceived notions that they won't like healthy snacks and the physical activity, but in nearly all cases, they find that their tastes and lifestyle choices have surprisingly changed for the better. There is always a waiting list of kids who want to participate in the Healthy Kids Club at Feltwell ES!

School Nurse
Feltwell Elementary
"You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others."

Winter Bingo Sheet

Spread the word to get busy with Wellness this Winter.
Download bingo sheet
-Courtesy of the Bolden Elementary School Nurse

Kaiserslautern Middle School (KMS)

The Kaiserslautern Middle School/Commissary Partnership site located on Blackboard is where teachers can find standards-based units, lesson plans, resources, and many other spectacular ideas. This collaborative site was developed by KMS 6th grade teachers, KMS resource personnel, and commissary staff for the benefit of our military children.

KMS Food for Thought Program  
(courtesy of AFN)

Wiggle Worms
Wiggle Worms is a program designed to give children an opportunity to move before they come to school. Each teacher makes recommendations to who they feel would benefit from participation. Students come in at staggered times from 8:15am-8:30am jog a lap around the playground, participate in designated climbing activities and play tag games. We cool down together with another lap around the playground and a brain activity called a "hook-up." that is calming and uses both sides of the brain. Students bring water to drink before school. They may choose to give me a handshake or a hug and off they go to class with a smiling face and an energized body ready to learn.


West Point Elementary School
"Healthy bodies, healthy minds."