Human Trafficking

Historic MTV Exit Concert in Myanmar

Dec 6 2012

On December 16, Jason Mraz will take the stage before the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar to help fight human trafficking and slavery.  This concert represents one of many in the MTV EXIT campaign, a partnership between USAID, MTV, AusAID and others to harness the power of music to c

Combating Human Trafficking

Combating Human Trafficking
Date Published: 
October 12, 2011
Since 2007, through a unique co-operative agreement, MTV and USAID have created the world’s largest campaign to raise awareness and increase prevention.

Combating Human Trafficking

Oct 11 2011
Combating Human Trafficking

“Human trafficking: No, No, No” rang out the chant from 20,000 people, repeating ASEAN Secretary-General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan’s call to action live from stage. They had travelled from across Thailand to be there and braved torrential rain, however, their spirits were not dampened. They were there to see their favorite artists perform and join a fight. A fight that is crucial for their futures.

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