
LSC OIG seal Legal Services Corporation Office of Inspector General
Updated: 24 January 2013 LSC Board Resource on the OIG New Items RSS Feed

  1. LSC's Office of Inspector General Orientation for New Board Members:
    OIG Organization [PDF 3MB]
    LSC OIG Overview [PDF 6MB]
    Inspector General Act (as amended) [PDF 31MB]
    Executive Office of the President- Office of Management and Budget, Agency and OIG Working Relationships [PDF 1MB]
    OIG Strategic Plan 2007-2011 [PDF 7MB]
    newSemiannual Report for the Period April 1, 2012 - September 30, 2012. [PDF 268K]
    Audit Committee Bibliography

  2. Introduction:
    Introduction to the Inspector General Community 08/2009 [PowerPoint 93K]
    • Link to www.IGNet.gov: Website for the Federal community of inspectors general.

  3. OIG Organization:
    LSC's Office of Inspector General: An Overview
    • Link to Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.
    Inspector General Reform Act of 2008
    OMB Memorandum: Agency and OIG Working Relationships. 07/2006 [PDF 25K]
    OIG Organization Chart. 10/2010 [PDF 19K]
    OIG Staff Directory 10/2011 [6K]
    LSC OIG Strategic Plan 2007 - 2011. [PDF]
    newLSC OIG 2013 Work Plan 01/2011 [PDF 435K]
    Corporation for Public Broadcasting Office of Inspector General: System Review Report of the Legal Services Corporation Office of Inspector General Audit Organization (Report No. ECO1105-1107). [PDF 33K] 10/30/2011

  4. Fraud Alerts:
  5. • Link to: Fraud Alerts
    Preventing Information Security Breaches. 03/27/2012 [PDF 72K]
    Timekeeping and Travel Fraud Presentation. [PDF 480K] 12/2011
      Podcast of the presentation.[MP3 22.7MB](Audio only).
    Advisory Bulletin on Recent Developments Regarding Fraudulent Activity Involving Checking Accounts at LSC-Funded Programs [PDF 1,082K] 01/2011 Attachment: Check Fraud [PDF 2,556K]
    How to Prevent and Detect Fraudulent Travel and Timekeeping Submissions. [PDF 720K] 09/2011

  6. U.S. Department of Justice Press Releases:

  7. • WASHINGTON – David Wagner, 49, was sentenced today in St. Louis to five months in prison for his role in the theft of nearly $160,000 in federal grant funds from a now-defunct nonprofit American Samoa legal services corporation ... More. 04/02/2012 [PDF 25K]

    • WASHINGTON (December 22, 2011) - A former grant administrator and her daughter pleaded guilty yesterday to stealing more than $150,000 in federal grant funds awarded to a non-profit corporation in the U.S. territory of American Samoa, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department's Criminal Division. ... More [PDF 31K]

    • PITTSBURGH - A resident of Claysville, Penn., has been sentenced in federal court to 22 months in prison on her conviction of theft from a program receiving federal funds, United States Attorney David J. Hicton announced today. ... More [PDF 113K]

    • BALTIMORE - U.S. District Judge Catherine C. Blake sentenced Benjamin Louis King, a/k/a “Bennie King,” age 58, of Gwynn Oak, Maryland today to 30 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release for stealing over $1 million from the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau. ... More [PDF 51K]

  8. Audit Guidance:
    newAudit Announcement and Bulletin 2012-01 clarifies guidance contained in the LSC OIG's Compliance Supplement regarding IPAs' access to attorney-client privileged information. [PDF 333K] 06/25/2012
    Quality Control Reviews. [PDF 496K] 03/19/2012
    Audit Bulletin 2009-01 Temporary Suspension 10/21/2009 [PDF 314K}
    Audit Bulletin 2009-01: Change in Effective Date. 06/18/2009 [PDF 26K]
    Audit Bulletin 2009-01. 02/24/2009 [PDF 87K]
    IPA Survey 10/2009 [PDF 643K]
    Auditors' Resources: LSC OIG webpage re: resources for auditors of LSC recipients, including audit guide, compliance supplement, summary report form, reports received.

  9. Governance:
    newOIG Comments on LSC Draft Strategic Plan 2012 - 2016. [PDF 1,865K] 7/12/2012
    Legal Services Corporation: Improvements Needed in Controls over Grant Awards and Grantee Program Effectiveness. GAO-10-540. 06/11/2010 [PDF 1,173K]
    Legal Services Corporation: Improved Internal Controls Needs in Grants Management and Oversight. GAO-08-37. 12/27/2007 [PDF 575K]
    Legal Services Corporation: Governance and Accountability Practices Need to Be Modernized and Strengthened. GAO-07-993. 08/15/2007 [PDF 1,261K]
    Governance: LSC OIG webpage re: corporate governance for legal services program directors, officers and board members.

  10. OIG Internal Controls Audits:
    newReport on Selected Internal Controls: Lone Star Legal Aid, INC. [PDF 9,498K] 1/17/2013
    newReport on Selected Internal Controls: Legal Aid and Defender Association, INC. [PDF 6,536K] 12/21/2012
    newReport on Selected Internal Controls: Inland Counties Legal Services, Inc. [Revised][PDF 6,565K] 8/06/2012
    • Report on Selected Internal Controls: South Jersey Legal Services, Inc. [PDF 487K] 8/03/2012
    • Report on Selected Internal Controls: Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc. [PDF 1,358K] 6/12/2012
    North Mississippi Rural Legal Services 03/30/2012 [PDF 4.8MB]
    Legal Aid of North Carolina. [PDF 5.1MB] 9/30/2011
    Legal Services of Northern Virginia, Inc. [PDF 2.2MB] 9/30/2011
    Appalachian Research & Defense Fund of Kentucky, Inc. [PDF 3,317K] 8/22/2011
    MidPenn Legal Services Inc. [PDF 561K] 8/11/2011
    • Follow-up Report on Selected Internal Controls: California Indian Legal Services Inc. [PDF 505K] 8/04/2011
    Colorado Legal Services. 02/18/2011 [PDF 2,207K]
    Capital Area Legal Services. 09/27/2010 [PDF 2,417K]
    Bay Area Legal Aid. 03/31/2010 [PDF 5,288K]
    Northwest Justice Project. 03/30/2010 [PDF 4,640K]
    Legal Aid Society of Cleveland 11/16/2009 [PDF 937K]
    Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas. 08/10/2009 [PDF 2,741K]
    Audit of Legal Services Corporation's Consultant Contracts. 07/07/2009 [PDF 1,170K]
    Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. 03/30/2009 [PDF 312K]
    California Indian Legal Services. 03/27/2009 [PDF 1,682K]
    Legal Aid & Defender Assn. (Detroit). 02/05/2009 [PDF 1,264K]
    Legal Services NYC. 12/11/2008 [PDF 363K]
    Legal Aid Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago. 09/30/2008 [PDF 460K]
    Philadelphia Legal Assistance Center. 08/14/2008 [PDF 366K]
    Wyoming Legal Services, Inc. 08/08/2008 [PDF 434K]
    Laurel Legal Services (PA). 08/07/2008 [PDF 331K]
    Neighborhood Legal Services Program of the District of Columbia. 07/31/2008 [PDF 361K]

  11. OIG Examination of Expenditures Incurred for the Performance of Technology Improvement Grants::
    newLegal Services of Southern Missouri [PDF 1,713KB] 07/20/2012
    newSoutheast Louisiana Legal Services. [PDF 1,511KB] 07/10/2012
    newCenter for Arkansas Legal Services. [PDF 461KB] 02/27/2012
    Audit of Legal Services Corporation's Technology Initiative Grant Program (Corrected). 12/08/2011 [PDF 1,016K]

    (See note on page 33 of the report)

  12. OIG Audits (2004-2009):
    09-05 Audit of LSC's Consultant Contracts. 07/07/2009 [PDF 1,10K]
    07-02 Interim Report on Management Oversight of Grantees: Office of Program Performance. 04/2007 [PDF 650K]
    06-02 Interim Report on Management Oversight of Grantees: Office of Compliance and Enforcement. 03/2006 [PDF 132K]
    06-01 Audit of LSC's Compressed Work Schedule and Compensatory Time Programs. 11/2005 [PDF 93K]
    05-07 Audit of LSC's Office Space Needs. 09/2005 [PDF 1.7MB]
    05-06 Audit of LSC's Two Million Dollar ($2,000,000) Landlord Contribution. 07/2005 [PDF 197K]
    05-04 Kentucky Legal Aid. 03/2005 [PDF 31K]
    05-03 Legal Aid Foundation of Chicago. 02/2005 [PDF 385K]
    05-02 Legal Aid of North Carolina. 01/2005 [PDF 281K]
    05-01 Audit of LSC's Board Member Travel During Fiscal 2004. 11/2004 [PDF 99K]
    04-07 Western Michigan Legal Services 08/2004 [PDF 270K]
    04-06 Legal Services of Northern California 08/2004 [PDF 654K]
    04-05 Central California Legal Services 08/2004 [PDF 907K]
    04-03 Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania 03/2004 [PDF 332K]
    04-02 California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. 12/2003 [PDF 2,076K]
    04-01 Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati 01/2004 [PDF 385K]

  13. Other OIG Reports: newFiscal Year 2012 Audit of the Corporation. 01/2013 [PDF 837K]
    Fiscal Year 2011 Audit of the Corporation. 01/2012 [PDF 465K]
    Report on Certain Fiscal Practices at the Legal Services Corporation. 09/2006 [PDF 371K]. Link to: LSC Management Response. [PDF 24K]
    Report to the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the House Committee on the Judiciary Regarding Activities of California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. 09/2006 [PDF 161K]
    Report on the Financial Implications of the 3333 K Street Lease. 04/2005 [PDF 1.5M]
    Office of Inspector General Recommendations to the Committee for its 2007 Regulatory Agenda. [PDF 874K]
    Mapping Evaluation. 02/2005 3K

  14. Other Links on the LSC OIG Website (www.oig.lsc.gov)
  15. Home
    OIG Hotline: How to to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse.
    About OIG: Staff directory, organization chart, mission statement, strategic and performance plans.
    Law & Regs: LSC Act, IG Act, appropriations acts, LSC regulations.
    Reports: Reports issued by the OIG including semiannual reports to Congress, audit reports, inspection reports, technology paper.
    Employment: Job postings, employee benefits.
    Mapping: Evaluation of legal services mapping.

URL: http://www.oig.lsc.gov/gov/board.htm
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