Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Current DDEAMC Heat Conditions
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Location: Room 2H-04
Phone: (706) 787-2059

If you are scheduled for inpatient treatment or evaluation, please report to:

Admission and Disposition Office
Building 300 (main hospital)
Second Floor, Room 2H04.

It is open 24 hours daily. The main phone numbers are (706)787-2059 and (706)787-2823. After duty hours (0730 - 1600hrs), patients report to the Outpatient Records Section, Room 2H01.

Please bring proof of eligibility (such as your Department of Defense identification card) and your physician's order to admit you (DA Form 4256).


If you are told that you need to be scheduled for surgery and need to be pre-admitted you should go to the ASC Clinic on the 6th floor with the correct documentation. The Pre-admissions office will give you a hospital card and other paper work. The ASC Pre-Admissions Clinic is open from 0730 - 1600 hours, Monday through Friday except on holidays and training holidays. The telephone numbers are (706) 787-2778/6022. The ASC provides services which include; preoperative nursing interviews with preoperative and postoperative teaching, laboratory and EKG testing, anesthesia interview, social work, and community health consults. When you are instructed to pre-admit the following items should accompany you to the ASC.

Medical records
Military ID card
Hospital stamp plate (blue card)
Third-party insurance card
History (SF504) and physical examination (SF506) forms
Doctor's Orders (DA Form 4256)

1 . Please prepare for an all day process when coming to the hospital for pre-admission.

2. The pre-admission work-up can be completed anytime within 30 days prior to the scheduled date of your procedure but should be done at least 72 hours prior to the procedure date.

3. Please make arrangement s with a day care center or babysitter on the day you are processing through your pre-admission because it could be an all day affair.