Publications Substances Over-the-Counter Drugs PHD1113
Getting High on Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs Is Dangerous

Getting High on Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs Is Dangerous

A Guide to Keeping Your Teenager Safe in a Changing World

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Explains to parents the dangers of teenagers abusing prescription drugs (e.g., painkillers, stimulants, sedatives) and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs (e.g., cough syrup). Includes warning signs that your child may be using prescription or OTC drugs to get high.

Pub id: PHD1113
Publication Date: 10/2005
Popularity: 463
Format: Brochure
Audience: Parents & Caregivers
Population Group: Parents, Adolescents as Population Group, Children as Population Group

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07/24/2012 5:23 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

We work with individuals and families in counseling, prevention and awareness.