Community Quota Entity Program

The IFQ Community Quota Entity authorizes eligible communities in areas 2C, 3A and 3B to form Community Quota Entities (CQEs) to purchase commercial halibut and sablefish Quota Share (QS) for lease to residents of the eligible community. This privilege includes a CQE annual reporting requirement.

Proposed Actions

Eligible Communities and Approved CQEs



Transfers and Limits
Each year, the CQE may transfer (lease) its IFQ to one or more permanent residents of the eligible community on whose behalf the QS is held, and who must be onboard when the IFQ is fished and landed. Caps limit the amount of QS that can be held on behalf of each community and collectively for all communities. Additional limits exist on "blocks" of QS.

Under 50 CFR 679.5(l)(8), each CQE must report to NMFS annually on IFQ activities, including: nonprofit governance, QS holdings, IFQ recipient selection, landings, and other relevant information

The CQE Program has been expanded to include fishing privileges in the charter halibut limited access program and the Western and Central GOA fixed gear Pacific cod fishery.

Related documents:

3A CQE Purchase D QS 2/11
4B CQE program 12/10
CQE Eligible Communities 12/10
CQE Area 4B Disc. Paper 12/10
CQE Program Review, final report - 3/10
Community Quota Entities, Workshop Proceedings, February 17-18, 2009