
Wyden Presses USTR Kirk On ACTA & TPP

SenRonWydenSenRonWyden·183 videos
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Published on Mar 7, 2012

March 7, 2012: During a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the President's 2012 trade agenda, Senator Wyden pressed USTR about the legality of ACTA and ongoing negotiations of TPP.

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  • OmgIAteMyUsername

    Wyden for president!

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  • Swizzler121

    Governments seem to think of the Internet as some sort of "wild west" that they must bring law to. They are very incorrect in this thought. The digital millennium copyright act does plenty to protect copyright holders already. Any further restrictions are attempts to control the distribution of information. Just as film bound the United States as a nation, the Internet will bind us together as a world.

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  • Gold Wade

    This guy is awesome. I sure as HELL am gonna support him should he ever run for president.


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  • httm241

    @Whiteisrightful This guy


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    I don't know why but i always liked listening to this man. Maybe there should be more like him. One of the VERY few that talks about what's going on and tries to do something about it. Thanks Senator Wyden. Greetings from across the Atlantic.


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  • lsebastian9086

    Ron Wyden...if you can read this...thanks for helping against COICA, PIPA, SOPA. Do everything you can to crush ACTA, TPP and CISPA too.

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  • MRWhogiveashit101

    If they won't let anyone even see what's in it, then if it does pass,how would anyone know that they are breaking the law?


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    in reply to aikanae1 (Show the comment)
  • kingbobiv

    Is it just me or does it sound like Kirk's final remarks at the end, starting at about 19:00, that he was pretty much saying " You were elected and can lose your job if the people don't something, I won't so get fucked."?


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  • Whiteisrightful

    ron paul for president


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  • aikanae1

    TPP regulations will NOT be released to the public until 4 years AFTER ratification. The only stakeholders at the table have been monolistic corporations.


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  • aikanae1

    everyone should see this. international trade agreements trump US law and should go through congress, not executive branch. USTR are LIARS and bullshitters!!!


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  • jupiterkansas

    "The norm changed!" - that's it right there Mr. Wyden. You rock.

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