All blogs filed under Energy
  • Wyden Speaks on Energy Policy at Portland City Club

    Last Friday, Senator Wyden spoke on how to smartly advance America's energy policy at the Portland City Club for their Friday Forum.

    Senator Wyden pointed to Oregon's historic leadership in energy and natural resources and the role Oregon can continue to play as a leader when it comes to these policies.

    Recognizing the problems facing resource-dependent communities in both Oregon and other states, Senator Wyden pledged to work towards long-term permanent solutions and get these communities off the fiscal rollercoaster.

    Turning to energy exports, Senator Wyden detailed his concerns that before exporting any energy source we must "look before we leap." Ensuring that unfettered natural gas exports don't harm U.S. consumers and manufacturers is a top priority.

    In addition to finding the "sweet spot" between energy imports and exports, as Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Wyden is committed to looking for the smart balance between traditional and renewable sources. When striking this balance, the fact that climate change is real must be taken into consideration. As Senator Wyden remarked- "inaction on climate change is not an option."

    Read or watch Senator Wyden's remarks.

    Notable Tweets:


  • Wyden and Landrieu Tour Energy Infrastructure in Louisiana

    Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) returned from a two-day tour of Louisiana over the weekend, where he visited energy industry infrastructure and coastal restoration efforts Friday and Saturday at the invitation of Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La.).

    Wyden and Landrieu toured Louisiana’s costal marshes by helicopter and examined the web of energy industry facilities and support services at Port Fourchon, on the Gulf Coast, among other activities, during the two-day visit.

    “I’m glad Senator Landrieu invited me to tour her home state– I saw a lot in Louisiana that I'm going to take back to Washington,” Wyden said. “The uniqueness of the state’s energy industry and the special nature of its coastal environment proved to me once again that we can’t rely on a one-size-fits-all energy policy.”



  • Wyden Hails Opening of Shepherds Flat Wind Energy Project

    This past Saturday, Shepherds Flat Wind Energy project came online in Gilliam and Morrow counties in Central Oregon.

    Shepherds Flat is one of the world’s largest wind farms generating 845 megawatts of power – enough to power more than 200,000 homes. The wind farm was developed by Caithness Energy and boasts 338 wind turbines made in the U.S. by General Electric which are creating emissions-free power.

    “Shepherds Flat shows all of us what renewable energy in the 21st Century looks like, with electricity flowing, real steel in the ground, real jobs, and real economic growth,” Wyden said, in a statement.

    Check out Senator Wyden’s op-ed on the Production Tax Credit for wind power which helps make projects like Shepherds Flat possible:
