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Metal Prices in the United States through 1998

Cover - Metal Prices in the United States through 1998

The purpose of this publication is to make an extended price history for a wide range of metals available in a single document. Such information can be useful for the analysis of mineral commodity issues, as well as for other purposes. The chapter for each mineral commodity includes a graph of annual current and constant dollar prices for 1959 through 1998, where available; a list of significant events that affected prices; a brief discussion of the metal and its history; and one or more tables that list current dollar prices.

Download options:

1. Entire publication: Metal Prices in the United States through 1998 (882 KB PDF)

2. Select a topic from the table of contents:

Introduction and Acknowledgements
Aluminum (PDF)
Antimony (PDF)
Arsenic (PDF)
Beryllium (PDF)
Bismuth (PDF)
Cadmium (PDF)
Calcium (PDF)
Cesium (PDF)
Chromium (PDF)
Cobalt (PDF)
Columbium (Niobium) (PDF)
Copper (PDF)
Gallium (PDF)
Germanium (PDF)
Gold (PDF)
Hafnium (PDF)
Indium (PDF)
Iron and Steel (PDF)
Iron and Steel Scrap (PDF)
Iron Ore (PDF)
Lead (PDF)
Lithium (PDF)
Magnesium (PDF)
Manganese (PDF)
Mercury (PDF)
Molybdenum (PDF)
Nickel (PDF)
Platinum-Group Metals (PDF)
(Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium, and Iridium)
Rare Earths (PDF)
(Cerium, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Holmium, Lanthanium, Lutetium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Scandium, Terbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, and Yttrium)
Rhenium (PDF)
Rubidium (PDF)
Selenium (PDF)
Silicon (PDF)
Silver (PDF)
Tantalum (PDF)
Tellurium (PDF)
Thallium (PDF)
Thorium (PDF)
Tin (PDF)
Titanium (PDF)
Tungsten (PDF)
Vanadium (PDF)
Zinc (PDF)
Zirconium (PDF)
Appendix-Price Deflators, 1959-98

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