Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Location: 2nd Floor
Hours: 0730 - 1600 Monday, Wednesday - Friday
0730 - 1200 Tuesday
Phone: (706) 787-6261
Fax: (706) 787-3002

Our Staff

Beneficiary Services staff is composed of Beneficiary Counseling Assistant Coordinators (BCAC), Debt Collection Assistance Coordinators (DCAO). Collectively, the staff of Beneficiary Services has more than one hundred years of experience addressing current issues in the health benefits arena.

Our Mission

We serve as your advisor and/or liaison between DDEAMC and civilian providers when the medical and dental care you need is not available in a military facility.

Our Commitment To You

  • We will explain your health benefits in the military facility, and under the auspices of TRICARE Prime, Extra, or Standard, TRICARE PLUS, TRICARE FOR LIFE, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Administration, and group health insurance.
  • We will assist you with obtaining the medical and/or dental care you need and advise you of the financial obligations you will incur.
  • We will keep current lists available of all participating providers and other resources.
  • We will provide assistance with unresolved claims.
  • We will provide briefings to military and civilian groups.
  • We will assist with assignment of primary care managers and, in some instances, hospital registration.