Womack Army Medical Center
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Womack Outpatient Nutrition Clinic Nutrition Classes and Appointments

*Classes are for patients 18 and above.*

Healthy Heart
Covers the dietary guidelines for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides with an emphasis on lowering the intake of saturated fat, alcohol, and concentrated sweets.  Also covers dietary guidelines for lowering blood pressure by decreasing sodium intake.

A pharmacist and  a registered dietitian teache this class for all patients diagnosed with glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia, type 1 or type 2 diabetes.  The class is based on the American Diabetes Association and American Dietetic Association guidelines.  Patients receive meal plans, instruction on use of meal plans, and instruction on carbohydrate counting.

Gestaional Diabetes
Provides nutition information and meal planning skills based on the American Diabetes Association and American Dietitic Association guidelines for pregnant women with high blood glucose levels.

Active Duty Weight Reduction (WTS)
Covers weight loss principles with an emphasis on good nutrition, lowering fat intake, behavior modification, and exercise.

Dependent/Retiree Weight Reduction
Covers weight loss principles with an emphasis on good nutrition, lowering fat intake, behavior modification, and exercise.

Gastric Bypass
This class is designed for those patients seeking gastric bypass surgery and who have been referred by a physician for nutrition counseling prior to the surgery.  The class covers post-operative nutrition, nutrient needs, and progression of the diet.

Individual Appointments
Are also available.  Children (up to 17 years old and patients with special nutritional needs should make an appointment to be seen individually by a dietitian.

Follow-Up Appointments
Walk-in follow-ups for any nutrition issues are available on non-holiday Mondays from 1430 - 1600 in the Nutrition Clinic for persons who have already been evaluated by the dietitian.  Individual follow-up appointments are scheduled by a dietitian (patients must call 907-7387 or 907-3438 to schedule an appointment).

Patients requiring outpatient nutrition counseling should be referred with a consult in CHCS by a health care provider and must schedule an appointment.  Appointments are made through the Nutrition Care Clinic at 907-7387 or 907-3438.