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Teaching with Historic Places

Heritage Education Services Program

Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) uses properties listed in the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects. TwHP has created a variety of products and activities that help teachers bring historic places into the classroom.

What's New

Primary Sources Index
Looking for primary sources? Teaching with Historic Places now offers an index of primary sources included in our online lesson plans. Organized by type of primary source--such as books; charts, graphs, and tables; facsimiles; government reports/documents; images; maps; newspapers/magazines; personal documents; political cartoons; etc.--the index makes it easy for teachers to find primary images and documents to use in the classroom. Many sources fall into more than one category, which also facilitates searching.

Teaching Teachers the Power of Place
Edison at his West Orange lab with an electric car powered by Edison batteries, 1910. (Edison National Historic Site)

Youth Summits
Go to a new section of the TwHP website to learn how Youth Summits prepare middle school and high school students to be active citizens and preservation stewards. By engaging students in on-site, real-world issues facing historic preservation, heritage tourism, public history, and conservation, these summits benefit not only the participating young people, but also educators, professionals, and community leaders.  

The new TwHP web pages offer a step-by-step How-To Guide for people and institutions interested in organizing their own Youth Summit, resources for planning a summit, sample agendas, and other helpful information.

Firsthand Teacher Strategies
How do classroom teacher use TwHP lesson plans? The “TwHP Lesson Pedagogy" page now includes more articles and case studies by teachers explaining their personal strategies for applying components of the TwHP lesson plans.

Field Studies in the Methods Course
TwHP's Teaching Teachers the Power of Place website now includes a detailed "how to" on planning and conducting field studies. Unlike "field trips," "field studies" engage participants in active on-site investigation of historic places. Both explaining the intellectual basis and providing a step-by-step process, this guide will serve not only history and social studies methods professors, but also any educator who wants to enhance leanring during visits to historic sites

Teaching Teachers the Power of Place
Field study at Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia
Photo courtesy of Beth Boland

Lesson Plans
Teaching with Historic Places regularly introduces new on-line lesson plans. The latest offerings include:

Above Photo Courtesy of Beth Boland