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Website: SPRNG: Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators Library

SPRNG is the Scalable Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generators Library. It is a set of libraries for scalable and portable pseudorandom number generation, and has been developed keeping in mind the requirements of users involved in parallel Monte Carlo simulations.


On Jaguar, the SPRNG library is provided by the NCCS and is accessed via a module. See the modules page for more information on modules. Once the SPRNG module is loaded, the compilers will automatically find the include and library files. See the SPRNG website for examples and documentation on using SPRNG random number generators.


 module avail sprng
 module load sprng
 ftn $(SPRNG_INC) test.f90 $(SPRNG_LIB) -lsprng OR
 pgf90 $(SPRNG_INC) test.f90 $(SPRNG_LIB) -lsprng


 module load sprng/2.0
 cc test.c      OR    pgcc test.c ${SPRNG_LIB}

Available Versions

System Application/Version Build
Titan sprng/2.0b cle4.0_cray8.0.1
Titan sprng/2.0b cle4.0_gnu4.5.3
Titan sprng/2.0b cle4.0_gnu4.6.2
Titan sprng/2.0b cle4.0_pgi12.1.0
Lens sprng/2.0b centos5.5_gnu4.4.4
Lens sprng/2.0b centos5.5_pgi10.9
Lens sprng/2.0b sl5.0_gnu4.2.0
Lens sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pathscale3.0
Lens sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pgi7.1.5
Smoky sprng/2.0b centos5.5_pgi10.4
Smoky sprng/2.0b sl5.0_gnu4.2.0
Smoky sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pathscale3.0
Smoky sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pathscale3.0_ser
Smoky sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pgi7.1.5
Smoky sprng/2.0b sl5.0_pgi7.1.5_ser