Georg Grell (lead), NOAA/ESRL/GSD
Mary Barth, NCAR
Saulo R. Freitas, Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos, Brazil
Gabriele Pfister, NCAR
Greg Carmichael, University of Iowa
Jerome Fast, PNL
John McHenry, Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems
Stuart McKeen, NOAA/ESRL/CSD

Teotihuacan.jpg (8382 bytes)

Jeff McQueen, NCEP
Jon Pleim, EPA
Kenneth L. Schere, EPA
Bill Skamarock, NCAR
Rainer Schmitz, University of Chile, Chile, University of Chile
Doug Westphal, USN Research Lab
Steven Peckham, NOAAESRL/GSD
Julius Chang, National Central University, Taiwan


The mission of the atmospheric chemistry working group is to guide the development of the capability to simulate chemistry and aerosols — online as well as offline — within the WRF model.  The resulting WRF-Chem model will have the option to simulate the coupling between dynamics, radiation and chemistry. Uses include forecasting chemical-weather, testing air pollution abatement strategies, planning and forecasting for field campaigns, analyzing measurements from field campaigns and the assimilation of satellite and in-situ chemical measurements.

Real Time forecasts using WRF-Chem

Real-time Air Quality Forecasts using WRF-Chem from around the globe


Community Involvement

2007 WRF workshop information - Meeting minutes and mini-tutorial presentations

2006 WRF workshop working group 11 meeting minutes

Known issues with the WRF model.

Known issues with the WRF-Chem model. Updated on 07 Jan 2013

WRF-Chem related announcements. Updated for job announcements 15 July 2011

Email WRF-Chem help with question regarding WRF-Chem model.

Model Information

The WRF Model main webpage and the Users Resources page

WRF-Chem Public Domain Notice

WRF-Chem References and related Publications < ---- Updated 5 July 2012

Current Status of WRF-Chem

Anthropogenic Emissions Available for WRF-Chem

Model Evaluation

Future Plans


Online Education

WRF-Chem 2012 Tutorial Presentations

WRF-Chem 2011 Tutorial Presentations

WRF-Chem 2010 Tutorial Presentations

WRF-Chem 2009 Tutorial Presentations

WRF-Chem 2008 Tutorial Presentations

WRF-Chem version 3.4 Users Guide Updated 18 July 2012

Tutorial Exercises for WRF-Chem version 3.4

Main WRF Model Tutorial Webpage

This page developed and maintained by Dr. Steven Peckham
Model questions should be directed to WRF-Chem help .
Last modified: Monday January 07, 2013 01:40 PM