Policy Memorandum #42

Recreational Running, Jogging and Walking Safety

IMHM-SO                                                                                                  1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #42, Recreational Running, Jogging and Walking Safety

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Safety Office.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.
3.  References.

a. USFK Regulation 190-1, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, 27 Apr 05.

b. USAG Humphreys PAM 385-1, USAG Humphreys Safety Program, 1 Nov 07.
4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to all personnel using military installations located
within the geographical responsibility of USAG Humphreys.

5.  Purpose.  To establish safety policies for individuals walking or running/ jogging on US military installations within US Army Garrison Humphreys.

6.  General.

a. Commanders and Directorates will ensure all assigned US and KATUSA Soldiers, civilian employees, invited contractors, retirees and Family members are aware of and comply with the policies and guidelines outlined in this policy.

b.  All recreational walkers, runners and joggers must comply with traffic rules and regulations set forth in USFK Regulation 190-1 and General Sharp’s policy on the wearing of safety clothing while conducting physical training.

c. All vehicle traffic will exercise due caution to prevent colliding with runners, joggers and walkers on the roadway.

d. Every runner, jogger and walker is responsible for his/her own safety.

     e.  When traffic signals are not in place or in operation, vehicle drivers must yield the right-of-way and slow down or stop to yield to a runner, jogger or walker crossing the roadway within a crosswalk.

     f.  Drivers will not pass a vehicle stopped to yield for runners, joggers or walkers in the roadway.

7.  Responsibilities.   The runners, joggers and walkers will observe the following safety policies and guidelines:
     a.  Obey applicable instructions of traffic control devices including stop signs unless directed otherwise by law enforcement personnel.

     b.  Headphones/earphones and hand held cell phones will not be used.

     c.  Wearing a reflective vest or belt is required on a public roadway, street or bicycle path, or right-of-way under USAG Humphreys jurisdiction during darkness or reduced visibility.  Reflective sleevelets may not be worn in lieu of reflective vests or belts. 

     d.  Avoid the use of the public roadway as much as possible.  Use sidewalks or jogging path where available, however, do not interfere with pedestrian traffic. 

     e.  Where there is not a jogging path or sidewalk, stay on far-left side of the roadway, or its shoulder and facing oncoming traffic.  When with others, stay in single file.

     f.  Use crosswalks when crossing road, however, yield the right-of-way to vehicular traffic when crossing a roadway other than within a marked crosswalk.  Challenging or obstructing vehicular traffic is prohibited.

     g.  Avoid all construction areas throughout installation.

     h.  During Inclement weather conditions, (Red through Black) recreational running, walking and jogging will not be authorized.

8.  Compliance.  Failure to comply with this policy can result in a variety of administrative actions.

9.  Point of contact is the Safety Office at 753-5580.

                                                                                  DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                                  COL, SF


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