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Lower Colorado Regional Office

scenic view of the lower Colorado River

Regional Director, Dr. Terry Fulp

P.O. Box 61470
Boulder City, NV 89006
phn: 702-293-8000
fax: 702-293-8333

The Lower Colorado Regional Office manages and operates the lower Colorado River system in a manner that respects the rights and obligations established under the existing "Law of the River" while seeking creative ways to meet the changing and contemporary needs of the river basin. To help accomplish this, we have several key objectives:

Effectively carry out the Secretary of the Interior's role as watermaster of the lower Colorado River, in consultation with the Colorado River Basin states and other interested parties.

Continue the annual delivery of 9 million acre-feet of water and production of 6 billion kilowatt-hours of hydroelectric energy from lower Colorado River dams and associated powerplants.

satellite image of the Colorado RiverDevelop and analyze adaptation and mitigation strategies to resolve water supply and demand imbalances in the Colorado River Basin.

Continue implementation of the California 4.4 Plan, the Colorado River Water Delivery Agreement, and the Quantification Settlement Agreement.

Continue implementation of the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Plan to achieve long-term Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance for river operation and management.

Implement a long-term, cost efficient plan for meeting the Federal obligation for replacing bypass drainage flows from the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation District, meeting the salinity standards for Colorado River water supplies delivered to Mexico, protecting environmental resources affected by operation of the Yuma Desalting Plant, and assuring the delivery of Colorado River water supplies to users within the United States.

Complete construction of Central Arizona Project Indian distribution systems with near-term emphasis on the Gila River Indian Community system.

Continue the lower Colorado River dredging and bankline/levee maintenance programs to protect property adjacent to the river from high flows, reduce or eliminate sediment that restricts delivery of water in the U.S. and Mexico, and help restore backwaters along the river in the U.S.

For more information on these programs and projects, visit other pages on our website, or contact our External Affairs Office by e-mail or by phone at: 702-293-8421.

Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@usbr.gov
Updated: January 2012