International diaspora Engagement Alliance

Date: 06/19/2012 Description: International diaspora Engagement Alliance logo - State Dept Image

“Diaspora communities have the potential to be the most powerful people-to-people asset we can bring to the world’s table.”

- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, May 11, 2011

The Opportunity:

Over the last 45 years, the number of people living outside their country of origin has almost tripled—from 76 million to 215 million. The nation with the most global diaspora members is the United States. Virtually all Americans have immigrant roots — and these roots are a quintessential part of our national narrative. Furthermore, in 2011 alone, the global diaspora community sent over $351 billion back to their families in developing countries. The role of remittances is a backbone within diaspora communities and to many developing economies, a backbone of the economy. Diaspora members have proven to be the people most willing to take risks to empower and improve their countries of origin. As potential ambassadors by their identities, the diplomatic and developmental influence of global diaspora communities has been largely overlooked.

The Solution:

The International diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA) promotes and supports diaspora-centered initiatives in entrepreneurship, volunteerism, philanthropy, diplomacy, and social innovation. IdEA is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that engages global diaspora communities, the private sector, civil society, and public institutions in collaborative efforts to support economic and social development. In harnessing the global connections of diaspora communities, IdEA seeks to promote sustainable development in countries of heritage. The alliance provides a platform for capacity-building and a forum for collaboration across sectors, to scale efforts and improve lives in these countries.

How it Works:

IdEA promotes a platform for partnership to:

  • Support diaspora entrepreneurs in investing and building sustainable enterprises as well as stimulating trade in countries of origin;
  • Strengthen the role of diasporas in diplomacy, advocacy, and peace building via nontraditional media such as sports, arts, and culture;
  • Encourage the proliferation of platforms that facilitate diaspora volunteerism in countries of origin;
  • Foster diaspora innovations in communication and information technologies in order to enhance and deepen engagement; and
  • Cultivate diaspora giving in areas of education, health, nutrition, and disaster relief in countries of origin.


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