U.S. Hosts G8 Summit

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / May 20, 2012

President Barack Obama along with other world leaders wave during a photo opportunity at the G-8 Summit on May 19, 2012 at Camp David, Maryland. [AP Photo]

On May 18-19, 2012, the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the EU joined President Barack Obama at Camp David for the annual G8 Summit. The leaders met to address major global economic, political, and security challenges, including energy and climate change, food security and nutrition, Afghanistan's economic transition and transitions taking place across the Middle East and North Africa.

In his remarks at the closing of the Summit, President Obama said, "For the past three years, our nations have worked together and with others first to rescue a global economy from freefall, then to wrestle it back to a path of recovery and growth. Our progress has been tested at times by shocks like the disaster in Japan, for example. Today it's threatened once again by the serious situation in the eurozone.

"As all the leaders here today agreed, growth and jobs must be our top priority. A stable, growing European economy is in everybody's best interests -- including America's. Europe is our largest economic partner. Put simply, if a company is forced to cut back in Paris or Madrid, that might mean less business for manufacturers in Pittsburgh or Milwaukee. And that might mean a tougher time for families and communities that depend on that business."

President Obama continued, "This morning, I updated you on the progress we made last night in our discussion of security issues. And today, following our discussion of the economy, we also made progress on a range of other important challenges. We discussed the importance of pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy for energy security in a safe and sustainable way. Leaders agreed to join a new U.S.-led coalition to address climate change, in part by reducing short-lived pollutants. And in the face of increasing disruptions in the supply of oil, we agreed that we must closely monitor global energy markets. Together, we stand ready to call upon the International Energy Agency to take action to ensure that the market remains fully and timely supplied.

"We also announced a new alliance on food security with African leaders and the private sector as part of an effort to lift 50 million people out of poverty over the next decade. We discussed our support for a sustainable Afghan economy as we wind down the war, and we reaffirmed our support for the democratic transitions underway in the Middle East and North Africa."

The leaders released a Camp David Declaration as well as fact sheets on Energy and Climate Change, the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, and the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition. You can read more about the Summit here.

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Sergey R. in Russia writes:

G7 - is the annual meeting of the leaders of the most economically developed countries. In addition to the high level of economic development, these the state combines the democratic structure and a commitment to human rights and civil liberties.

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided that he has more important things than a meeting with world leaders at Camp David. The official motivation for this decision was the need to complete the formation of the government.

Meanwhile, st.112 Russian Constitution expressly provides that the formation of a government is the prerogative of the Head of Government. Thus, in accordance with this Article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Medvedev as head of government has the initiative in this matter. The main reason for which was not present, Vladimir Putin at Camp David is that he afraid of criticism from other heads of state for violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the authoritarian regime of monopoly power in Russia.

Russia does not conform to G7 in terms of economics, either in terms of the political system. States of G7 and Russia is not bound by a common value system. Democracy and civil liberties are alien to Russia.

Invitation to the G7 was upfront that Russia will become a civilized European country. Russia has chosen the path of dictatorship and authoritarianism. Now this country is the main bulwark and support of dictatorial regimes around the world. And most importantly, Russia does not want change in the direction of democratic freedoms. This is a common problem in Russian society, which continues to be guided by principles of communist terrorism in internal and international politics.

Russia is a country with weak economies, authoritarian politics, with the leadership, which hates the democratic system. Thus, Russia has nothing to do with the club G7. The sooner this is understood throughout the world, the better.

Posted on Thu May 24, 2012

Ashim K.C. in India writes:

When resources are scarce, their deployment logically ought to be determined by consideration of return on such deployment. Now the issue is given the demographic disadvantages of Europe and given the fact that a good number of developing countries have not only caught up with developed countries in manufacturing and delivery of everything big and small mass-consumed products and services technologically but because being low cost economies, competed European manufacturers out effectively, can resources be continued to be channelized to Europe? Developed industrial society advantages are at the most limited to certain strategic industries and capital goods and processes, which they force sell somehow often than not at high skimming prices. In this situation, USA has to forget the closer civilizational connections with Europe particularly and divert it’s resources to Asia and Africa with same intense focus as it has invested in a series of pacific region Asian countries – latest being China to reinvigorate it’s own economy. Europe in any case has the resilience to deal with it’s falls and keep itself busy by being NATO partners .... it has reached levels of quality of life, little roll back shall still keep life comfortable to be able to wait for a brief while till Asia and Africa get to a situation where they can plough back enough to Europe too.

Posted on Mon May 21, 2012

Palgye in South Korea writes:

my words to Greece means, want to warning Greece policians. i expect Greece policians lead their citizen but now they just watching. i very angry to policians. i think this crisis in Greece responsbility to upper class, they are rotten and had so much bribery from their citizen

i think, Greece Spain Portugal need Citizen Movement lessen debt not protest. of cource need political leader but now they are just watching......

PS if can? Germany just says we can help Spain and Portugal, not move just saying. Situation more deep need Jews help. Q-intend? more down after get a low price? Can a control?

Posted on Mon May 21, 2012

Muhammad Z.Z. in Malaysia writes:

President Obama addresses security challenges to the world.

Posted on Sun May 20, 2012

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