Examples of Data:

MLO Solar Transmission
Apparent Solar Transmission
Water Vapor Profile
Water Vapor Profile
Meteorology Wind Rose for Mauna Loa
Mauna Loa
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
John Chin and Dave Keeling
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
Road to Mauna Loa
Photograph by Darryl Kuniyuki
Water Vapor Balloon Flight
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
Sun Sensor
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
Mauna Loa Sunset
Photograph by Forrest Mims III
Photograph by Forrest Mims III

Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) is a premier atmospheric research facility that has been continuously monitoring and collecting data related to atmospheric change since the 1950's. The undisturbed air, remote location, and minimal influences of vegetation and human activity at MLO are ideal for monitoring constituents in the atmosphere that can cause climate change. The observatory is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) - Global Monitoring Division (GMD).

Latest News August 30, 2011 View Archives...
MLO Science Fair Award
Every year MLO contributes to the local Science Fair event. This year, I’INI KAHAKALAU won the junior research award with their project titled: Hydrodgen Fuel Cell: STREAM VOLUME. The Junior research recipent KARYL-LIN YAMAKAWA won the junior division award with her project titled: MOUNTAIN AIR: A STUDY OF THE CORRELATION BETWEEN BLOOD OXYGEN LEVELS AND ALTITUDE
Mauna Loa Observatory Video Library
MLO launches its first online video streaming. Please feel free to comment or give suggestions on your experience. Stay tuned for the next video which will feature John Barnes and the lidar project.
View the video library...


  • Country: United States Country Flag
  • Latitude: 19.5362° North
  • Longitude: 155.5763° West
  • Elevation: 3397.00 masl
  • Time Zone: Local Time + 10 hour(s) = UTC


  • Contact Name: John Barnes
  • Address: NOAA - Mauna Loa Observatory
    1437 Kilauea Ave. #102
    Hilo, Hawaii, 96720, United States
  • Phone: (808)933-6965
  • Fax: (808)933-6967


Additional Information