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Workers & Retirees

Link to Find My Trusteed Plan

Find My Trusteed Plan

If PBGC is now the "trustee" responsible for your pension plan, you can find information about your plan by using the Trusteed Plan Search. Finding your plan is easy—you can search by using any of the following:

  • Pension plan name
  • PBGC 8-digit case number
  • Company or sponsor name

Link to Missing Participant Search

Find Unclaimed Pensions

When PBGC becomes responsible for a pension plan, we can't always find all the pension plan participants. Find out if you or someone you know is on our unclaimed pension list.

Visit Unclaimed Pension Search to expand your search by company or by state.

Link to Newsletters

Newsletters & Publications

Read the latest PBGC updates that could affect your pension payment. Be sure to sign up for e-mail notices of new editions of the newsletters.

Retired and already receiving benefits from PBGC?
Not yet retired in a PBGC-trusteed plan?


Your Guaranteed Pension
Electronic Direct Deposit [PDF]
Finding a Lost Pension [PDF]
Your PBGC Benefit Options