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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Eelgrass with herring roe, photo: Mandy Lindeberg

Alaska Habitat Restoration Center

About the NOAA Fisheries Restoration Center

Girl scouts monitoring Colter CreekGirl Scouts monitoring juvenile salmon movement after a fish passage project at Colter Creek, AK. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

The NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) Restoration Center restores coastal, marine and anadromous fish habitats that support the nation's fisheries and other trust resources. The Center provides technical restoration expertise on restoration planning, implementation and monitoring, and provides financial assistance through various grant programs. With program staff located in coastal regions across the country, the Restoration Center is working to advance the science of habitat restoration by expanding local habitat restoration projects into broad-scale, ecosystem-based restoration efforts.

Since 1996, the NMFS Restoration Center has supported nearly 70 community restoration projects in the Alaska Region, benefiting more than 560 acres of estuarine and riparian habitat and opening approximately 80 miles of in-stream salmon habitat.

National Habitat Restoration Programs

Alaska Habitat Restoration Projects

Alaska Damage Assessment and Restoration Projects

How to Organize a Community-Based Restoration Project

Additional Restoration Resources

Contact Information

NOAA diver monitoring an artificial reefNOAA diver, Erika Ammann, monitoring the Whittier artificial reef. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

Erika Ammann
Restoration Ecologist
NOAA Restoration Center, Alaska Field Office
PO Box 43
222 West 7th Ave., Rm. 517
Anchorage, AK 99513-7577
PH: (907) 271-5118
FX: (907) 271-3030
Email: Erika.Ammann@noaa.gov