Posts of type: Need To Know

Jun 21, 2012

Need To Know - The HEAT Is On

The House of Representatives continued its focus on American energy production this week passing a domestic power package drafted by the House Energy Action Team (HEAT).

Jun 14, 2012

Need To Know - EPA Exaggeration

A study published by the American Petroleum Institute and America’s Natural Gas Alliance reveals that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) methane emission estimates from hydraulic fracturing are double the actual discharge figures. The industry-sponsored study tested emissions from approximately 91,000 wells nationwide. Conversely, the EPA used assumptions to craft agency standards.

Jun 8, 2012

Need To Know - Health Savings

The House voted this week to reverse three more provisions of the president’s health care law and give Americans greater flexibility when utilizing health savings accounts.

Jun 1, 2012

Need To Know - Pharmaceutical Package

House policymakers passed a user fee agreement this week between industry stakeholders and federal authorities for prescription drugs and medical devices.

May 28, 2012

Need To Know - Memorial Day

America is a nation that celebrates freedoms. The freedom of speech, or of the press. The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. These liberties are established by the Constitution and allow citizens to enjoy a life of independence.

May 18, 2012

Need To Know - Defense Drumbeat

The 2013 defense authorization bill passed the House of Representatives today by a bipartisan vote of 299 to 120. This annual legislation provides for national defense funding and overseas operations. Among other reforms, the bill authorizes a 1.7 percent pay increase for troops and protects the current TRICARE health standards from new fees proposed by the White House. The plan also prohibits the transfer of detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the United States. The total cost of the bill is $554.2 billion for defense and $88.5 billion for overseas operations, which represents 60 percent of all federal discretionary (non-entitlement) spending.

May 10, 2012

Need To Know - Fighting Crime, Boosting Innovation

The House of Representatives kicked off its annual funding season this week by passing the first of twelve appropriations bills under an open rule, which provided transparent debate and unlimited amendments.

Apr 26, 2012

Need To Know - Targeted Reductions

The House Energy and Commerce Committee met yesterday to consider various proposals that aim to improve America’s financial outlook. The 2011 “Budget Control Act” presented the framework for $1.2 trillion in federal savings over the next decade. This figure was to be met in one of two manners: through Super Committee negotiations or across-the-board spending reductions, known as sequestration. Although many principled solutions were offered during the Super Committee discussions, the 12-member bipartisan, bicameral panel was ultimately unable to generate a plan.

Apr 19, 2012

Need To Know - Tax Cuts

The House of Representatives passed a bill today that will allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their active business income. The “Small Business Tax Cut Act” was introduced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and seeks to improve jobless numbers by freeing up business capital for employers to retain and hire new workers. Small businesses account for 96.7 percent of employers in Mississippi, meaning that 44,518 job creators could invest more in their companies and expand payrolls.

Apr 4, 2012

Need To Know - Principled Solutions

Federal lawmakers returned to their home states this week for a two-week district work period following House passage of the “JOBS Act” and a fiscal year 2013 budget blueprint. House Republicans remain committed to enacting our pro-growth legislative agenda that seeks to strengthen the economy through less spending, fewer regulations and smaller government. Our plan is simple: incentivize America’s job creators, cut federal spending and trim the deficit.
