Posts of type: Need To Know

Aug 9, 2011

Need To Know - Welcomed Jobs

Enersteel is a premier custom steel fabrication subsidiary that will retain the 25 current Dynasteel employees and add at least 75 new jobs over the next two years. This $7 million investment will create new, well-paying jobs and utilize the Mississippi River – one of our state’s greatest natural economic drivers – to transport their finished product.

Aug 1, 2011

Need To Know - Agreement Outline

Congressional leaders have diligently negotiated throughout the weekend and have produced a plan that will avoid a national default. Earlier today, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirmed that this proposal would reduce federal deficits by at least $2.1 trillion over the next 10 years.

Jul 27, 2011

Need To Know - "Balanced Approach"

Monday night, the president used a nationally televised address from the White House to call for a “balanced approach” to resolving our nation’s impending debt crisis. Interestingly, House Republicans have already advanced a balanced plan by introducing and passing the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011,” which would immediately cut total non-defense discretionary spending below 2008 levels, cap federal payments at the historical average of 20 percent of GDP by 2021, and balance the budget by requiring that a Balanced Budget Amendment pass Congress and be sent to the states for ratification before the federal debt limit could be increased.

Jul 16, 2011

Guest Column In The Clarion-Ledger: Is the AARP the American Association for Real Profits?

As Republican lawmakers in Washington try to reduce federal spending, the AARP has offered their input through letters to the editor, television advertisements and an aggressive telephone campaign. The organization, formerly an advocate for our nation's seniors, has compromised its credibility with older Americans, in exchange for billions in profits and gold-plated executive salaries.

Jul 15, 2011

Need To Know - Debt Debacle

Republican lawmakers continue to press for federal spending reductions to decrease our debt and deficits and spur job growth. Every single day, I am in this fight for Mississippians and our country. I believe that Congress must significantly reduce spending and put people back to work. And make no mistake: I will not vote to increase taxes.

Jul 8, 2011

Need To Know - Where Are The Jobs?

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced in its monthly employment report that the economy only created 18,000 net new jobs in the month of June, bringing unemployment in the United States to 9.2 percent. The Labor Department also updated its April and May reports, noting that 44,000 fewer jobs were created than originally reported.

Jun 23, 2011

Need To Know - Strategic Slipup

The Obama administration today announced that it plans to release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) to offset the disruption in the oil supply caused by unrest in the Middle East. As I have said before, the White House would be ill-advised to reach into our nation’s fuel reserves.

Jun 21, 2011

Guest Column In The Hill: It's time for the Election Assistance Commission to go

The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is a bloated federal agency that has long outlived its purpose and recklessly mismanages its resources, yet continues to cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Put simply, the EAC is the perfect example of what’s wrong with Washington.

Jun 17, 2011

Need To Know - Meridian Mission

The U.S. Air Force announced Tuesday that it will immediately begin action to bring the C-27J formal training unit (FTU) mission to Key Field Air National Guard Base at Meridian. This mission will bring two additional C-27J aircraft to Meridian in the next few years, increasing to six the planned total of C-27Js to be based at Key Field. An estimated 37 full-time employees and scores of trainees annually will be associated with the FTU, bringing the total personnel associated with the C-27J platform to 142 when the mission is fully operational in 2015.

Jun 9, 2011

Need To Know - ObamaCare's Premium Increase

The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio recently reported about one family’s struggle to maintain affordable health coverage in the wake of the president’s health reform law, the “Affordable Care Act.” The Colbys, one of whom has a pre-existing condition, are parents of two teenage daughters. The family continues to see a rise in their monthly health costs though President Obama repeatedly claimed that his reforms would reduce families’ out-of-pocket costs by up to $2,500 per year.
