A.     Additional aerosol models

1.       The Model of Aerosol Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization, and Dissolution ( MADRID)

B.     Full implementation of the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP).

1.      Improved flexibility in time solvers.

2.      Adjoint generation.

3.      More choices for equation files.

C.     Additional chemical mechanisms

1.      Carbon Bond 2005 (CB05)

2.      SAPRC-99

D.     Additional aerosol indirect effects: coupling aerosols and microphysics.

E.     Data assimilation

1.       FDDA vs 3DVAR

2.      4DVAR

3.       Ensemble techniques

F.      Offline version of the model

G.       Additional applications

1.       Large Eddy Simulation

2.      Field programs

3.       Offline capabilities

H.       SMOKE emissions model

I.      Improved photolysis schemes

...        Etc. Etc. Etc.

Z.        And finally, document all additions and improvements to the chemistry model.


Groups working on WRF/Chem

NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL-GSD)

       Model development coordination

       Aqueous chemistry coupled to convective parameterizations

       Parameterized transport of species (convective and turbulent)

       Chemical data assimilation (3DVAR, Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) package)

       Web page development and maintainence

       Offline version of chemistry model

       Improved chemistry emissions

       Ensemble techniques

       Model verification and real-time forecasts

NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL-CSD)

       Ensemble techniques

       Improved chemistry emissions

       Model verification

NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL-PSD)

       Ensemble techniques

       Model verification

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR): MMM and ACD

       Positive definite and monotonic advection algorithms

       Simulations of idealized convection

       Aqueous chemistry coupled to all microphysics and aerosol schemes

      Incorporation of biomass burning emissions via satellite data

      Development of interacting WRF/Chem and WRF/Fire models

      Chemical initialization from the NCAR global chemistry transport model MOZART results

      Development of a flexible chemical mechanism

      Simulations of region focused on Mexico

      Update of online biogenic emissions using the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (improvements included into WRF/Chem)

North Carolina State Univeristy

       Inclusion of CMAQ modules

       MADRID aerosols

       CB05 chemical mechanism

University of Chile

       Urban parameterizations

       Real time air quality forecasting for South America urban regions

Centre for Development Aadvanced Computing (CDAC) in India

       Offline version of chemistry model

Atmospheric Chemistry Department at the Max Planck Institute at Mainz, Germany

      Additional development and improvements to the Kinetic PreProcessor KPP

Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC

       SMOKE emissions model

Current Status of WRF/CHEM

Real-time Air Quality Forecasts from WRF/CHEM

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This page developed by Steven Peckham and Georg Grell
Model questions should be directed to WRF/Chem help .
Last modified: Tuesday April 8, 2008 10:15 AM