Policy Memorandum #61

Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

IMHM-PI                                                                                                     1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #61, Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)

1. The proponency for this policy is the Plans, Analysis, and Integration (PAIO) Office.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. Applicability.  This policy governs the purpose and use of USAG Humphreys’ ICE Program, and applies to all service providers, managers, directorates and organizations associated with providing customer service to USAG Humphreys and the surrounding military community.

4. Purpose.  The purpose of this memorandum is to define installation/community policy covering applicability, implementation, responsibilities, and maintenance of the USAG Humphreys ICE Program.

5. Definition.  ICE is an internet accessible program designed to allow immediate customer feedback to service provider managers on USAG Humphreys.  ICE integrates customer feedback for all service providers allowing the installation to implement, sustain, report, and improve services from one centrally managed system on USAG Humphreys.

6. Implementation.  The ICE Program will allow immediate customer feedback to all service providers.  ICE allows for obtaining customer provided suggestions for improving the quality of service provided to all eligible customers; and to identify issues affecting their well-being.  ICE can be accessed from any computer with internet access, using standardized USAG Humphreys ICE customer comment cards, or by calling “See Something, Say Something” ICE phone line.  The automated customer feedback system will:

 a. Immediately generate an electronic customer comment to the service provider manager.

 b. Provide immediate input on the satisfaction level of the service provided to managers, directors, garrison, and organizational commanders.

 c. Provide immediate feedback ratings on facility appearance, employee/staff attitude, timeliness of service, hours of service, and whether or not the product met the needs of the customer for each service provider area.

 d. Allows immediate reporting of customer satisfaction for use on the services received assessments that affect Army Performance Improvement Criteria (APIC) and the Organizational Self Assessment (OSA).

7. Responsibilities.

 a. Service Provider Managers:

  (1)  Attend ICE training provided by Customer Service Officer (CSO).

  (2)  Secure an ICE comment card box (easily identified with ICE logo and instructions) and standardized USAG Humphreys ICE customer comment cards both in English and Hangul.

  (3)  Monitor email daily to ensure that all comments are addressed within 3 days regardless of satisfaction rating, whether contact information has been left, or if a customer has requested a response.  Response data must be entered in the customer follow-up section on the ICE system manager area to ensure a comment has been moved from pending to complete.

  (4)  Correct areas that may not require a customer response but may affect customer satisfaction if not resolved.

  (5)  Ensure questions, events, or notifications that have been added to the service provider information areas are grammatically correct to obtain the desired results, and removed when complete, or no longer necessary.

  (6)  Ensure added questions are kept to a minimum to allow the customer to submit feedback in a timely manner.

  (7)  Maintain a reasonable amount of USAG Humphreys ICE customer comment cards in service provider areas, making them available to customers.  This will compliment the automated system when a kiosk is not available.

  (8)  Ensure manager data is current (name, rank, job title, email address, and DSN phone number) on the ICE system.

  (9)  Ensure service provider data is current (location, hours of operation, and services provided) on the ICE system.

  (10)  Promote the USAG Humphreys ICE Program to provide a positive customer/ service provider relationship.

 b. Directorate or Organizational Supervisors/Managers:

  (1)  Ensure service provider managers execute their responsibilities in support of the ICE Program.

  (2)  Maintain ICE customer comment card boxes (locked) in areas where a kiosk
(automated) is not cost effective or available.  Directors or organizational supervisors will determine the amount of boxes required to support the service providers.

  (3)  Monitor and evaluate comment card feedback and satisfaction level ratings.

  (4)  Submit better business practices to the Garrison Commander through the ICE site administrator.

  (5)  Update listings of service providers and managers once a quarter to the installation ICE site administrator.

 c. ICE Site Administrator:

  (1)  Assist the Garrison in the development of an installation ICE policy memorandum that outlines the key roles and responsibilities from the Command Staff to the service provider manager.

  (2)  Responsible for management of the installation ICE Program to include performing tasks required to maintain quality, integrity, and maximum usage of the ICE system.

  (3)  Collect ICE comment cards at designated locations throughout USAG Humphreys and input hard copy cards into ICE (no service provider manager should collect and input comment cards).

  (4)  Cards should be collected at least once a week to meet the “within 3 days” response to customer.

  (5)  Monitor “See Something, Say Something” ICE phone line.  Listen to and transcribe pre-recorded messages and manually enter comments in the ICE system.
  (6)  Cards and “See Something, Say Something” ICE phone line should be collected at least once a week to meet the “within 3 days” response to customer.

  (7)  Manage existing or update service providers and managers.

  (8)  Provide training and/or supplemental materials to service provider managers on the use of the ICE system.

  (9)  Review, analyze, and interpret ICE statistical data.

  (10)  Provide the Chief of Plans with a monthly ICE status report.

  (11)  Forward unresolved issues to Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Quality Management Office (QMO), ATTN: ICE Site Administrator, for resolution.

  (12)  Provide recommendations when to reorder and maintain sufficient quantities of USAG Humphreys ICE customer comment cards to support the installation service providers.

  (13)  Review site manager reports to determine trends, identify problem areas, and to provide information to others when requested.

  (14)  Utilize the ICE information as an additional tool to assess the services provided from an individual customer perspective.

  (15)  Promote the use of the USAG Humphreys ICE web site to provide a positive customer/service provider relationship.

  (16)  Represent the command at ICE meetings, conferences, and symposiums.

  (17)  Submit requested ICE statistics, data, and other ICE information to IMCOM Korea Region to support the Performance Management Review (PMR), the Command Inspection Program (CIP), and other programs focusing on quality, productivity, and performance measurement.

 d. Garrison and Organization Commanders:

  (1)  Monitor the ICE Site and evaluate service provider performance.

  (2)  Promote the use of the USAG Humphreys ICE site to maintain standard levels of quality service.

 e. Director of Family Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Division (DFMWR – Marketing Branch):

  (1)  Promote ICE by placing signs, flyers, posters, and banners in highly visible areas (i.e. Post Exchange/Food Court, Community Activity Center, etc).

  (2)  Provide marketing advice; seeking cost-efficient methods and materials to promote ICE.

 f. Public Affairs Office (PAO):

  (1)  Publish ICE related newspaper articles for periodicals such as the Morning Calm and the Stars & Stripes.

  (2)  Procure local radio and TV spots through Armed Forces Network (AFN).

8. Recognition/Awards Program.

 a. Each directorate/organization/agency on the USAG Humphreys ICE system will incorporate the ICE satisfaction and individual recognition into their existing employee recognition/awards programs to recognize outstanding service provider customer service.

 b. Garrison will recognize outstanding directorate/organization/agency participation based on the annual FY statistical data meeting each of the following criteria:

  (1)  The directorate/organization/agency must have 50 or more satisfaction responses submitted for the FY.

  (2)  The directorate/organization/agency must maintain a 90% or higher satisfaction rating for the FY.

  (3)  The directorate/organization/agency must maintain an employee/staff attitude rating of 4.25 or higher for the FY.

 c. The directorate/organization/agency attaining the above goals will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Garrison Commander.

9. Standards and Metrics.

 a. Each service provider must strive to deliver the best service and support to our customers.  The following metrics are established by Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Quality Management Office (QMO).  Status Indicators are as follows:

  Satisfaction and Yes/No Questions (Percentage):

      5.00-4.00           3.99-2.75           2.74-0

       Satisfaction Questions (Percentage):
      100%-85%           84%-65%           64%-0%

 b. Service providers areas will be measured annually and rated as follows:

  (1)  Green (100%-85%), exceeding the standard.

  (2)  Amber (84% to 65%), meeting the standard.

  (3)  Red (64% to 0%), not meeting the standard.

 c. Service provider areas in the RED range will be evaluated by the directorate or organizational managers to determine cause and development of action plans to improve satisfaction levels.

10.  The point of contact is Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO), Customer Management Services (CMS) Office at DSN 754-0014/8060.


                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                      COL, SF

A & B

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