Policy Memorandum #51

ROK Traffic Fine Compliance

IMHM-ES                                                                                                    1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #51, ROK Traffic Fine Compliance

1.  The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Emergency Services.

2.  This policy is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References.

     a.  USFK Regulation 190-1, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, dated 27 Apr 05; Section IV, Traffic Laws and Regulations, Paragraph 24, Operational Guidance.

     b.  SOFA Joint Committee, signed 25 Apr 03 (ROK issuance of SOFA vehicle plates, POV registration, Compulsory Insurance for USFK personnel, traffic law enforcement, and administrative processing of citations).

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to all personnel subject to USFK Regulation 190-1 who are citied or convicted of traffic violation by ROK authorities.

5.  Purpose.  To stress the importance of complying with ROK traffic laws and regulations when operating a SOFA motor vehicle within the ROK.

6.  Summary.  Off-installation driving performance is indicative of one’s driving ability and motor vehicle safety consciousness.  Therefore, USAG Humphreys has established a system of coordination with ROK authorities to facilitate the receipt of information regarding traffic violations involving persons subject to USFK Regulation 190-1.

7.  The following guidelines are established IAW USFK 190-1 to reinforce compliance with ROK traffic laws and regulations:

     a.  Persons refusing to pay traffic fines imposed and afforded due process IAW applicable law, demonstrate an unsuitability to continue exercising driving privileges. Such persons refusing to pay traffic fines imposed may have their driving privileges suspended until which time the SOFA member demonstrates a willingness to comply with established vehicle operating laws.

     b.  Monthly, the Pyongtaek Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) forwards a list of delinquent traffic citations for SOFA members to the USAG Humphreys DBIDS and Vehicle Registration office, Bldg 544.  SOFA POV owners or operators having delinquent traffic citations (Tickets) will have the subject delinquency noted in the remarks section of their DBIDS record as follows; “Outstanding Korean Tickets-hold all actions until cleared”.

     c. Personnel will be notified by the DBIDS Vehicle Registration office when delinquent traffic citations are received.  Personnel are required to pay all fines listed on the citation by the suspense date provided by Pyongtaek DVM office.  If traffic citations are not paid in full, the individuals chain of command will be informed to take appropriate action as listed in paragraph 7a above.

     d.  Citation fines can be paid at the local Korean post office or Korean bank.  Individuals may then take proof of payment to the USAG Humphreys DBIDS and Vehicle Registration Office in order to clear the outstanding ticket information from their USFK DBIDS record.

     e.  IAW paragraph 3a above, personnel who’s driving privileges were revoked or suspended are required to deregister their Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) with the DBIDS Vehicle Registration Office with-in 10 days.

8.  Personnel who suspect or anticipate they may have outstanding ROK traffic fines (Tickets) can make an inquiry about traffic tickets at the USAG Humphreys DBIDS and Vehicle Registration Office, Bldg 544, Monday thru Friday, 0800~1700 (Closed on U.S, Korean, and USFK Training Holidays).

9.  Leaders at all levels are encouraged to stress to their subordinates the importance of complying with ROK traffic laws and regulations when operating a SOFA motor vehicle on or off the USAG Humphreys installation.

10.  Point of Contact is the DBIDS and Vehicle Registration Office, Bldg 544, 753-6609.


                                                                                 DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                                 COL, SF


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