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Performance Coal Company Performance Coal Company
Upper Big Branch Mine-South
Massey Energy Company
Mine ID: 46-08436
Single Source Page

This Page Last Updated: 1/31/2013 4:00 p.m. EST
* Indicates Material Added

We are providing you with this single source page of information and resources regarding the Upper Big Branch Mine-South explosion which occurred on April 5, 2010. We will be adding material to this page as it becomes available. New additions will be noted and an indication that the page was updated will be posted on MSHA's home page as well.

MEDIA CONTACT INFORMATION: Call Office of Public Affairs - 202-693-9423 or 202-693-4676.

Current Additions (1/31/2013)

Corrective Action Plan: Upper Big Branch Mine-South Internal Review *
Updates to the Corrective Action Plan have been added... — 1/31/2013

  • See Corrective Actions Update
  • Action Undertaken to Address An Independent Panel Assessment of an *
    Internal Review of MSHA Enforcement Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine South

  • See Response
  • Previous Additions

    Corrective Action Plan: Upper Big Branch Mine-South Internal Review
    Updates to the Corrective Action Plan have been added... — 11/15/2012

  • See Corrective Actions Update
  • Review of MSHA's Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine-South
    Additions to Appendix A have been added... — 11/15/2012

  • See Addition
  • MSHA Assistant Secretary Joseph Main Discusses the Two-Year Anniversary of the Upper Big Branch Coal Mine Disaster at the Upper Big Branch Mine South — 4/5/2012

  • See Video
  • Read Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis' blog post about the two-year anniversary
  • An Independent Panel Assessment of An Internal Review of MSHA Enforcement Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine South Requested by The Honorable Hilda L. Solis Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor — 3/23/2012

  • Letter from NIOSH to the Honorable Hilda L. Solis, Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor
  • Independent Assessment Panel Report with Errata
  • Action Undertaken to Address An Independent Panel Assessment of an Internal Review of MSHA Enforcement Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine South
  • Review of MSHA's Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine-South — 3/6/2012

    The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration issued its Review of MSHA's Actions at the Upper Big Branch Mine-South
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Internal Review Single Source Page
    (To include appendices, Executive Summary, and link to related FOIA documents

  • Internal Review Related FOIA documents Single Source Page (2006 Longwall Plans)

  • Corrective Action Plan: Upper Big Branch Mine-South Internal Review (Updated 1/31/2013)*

  • News Release

  • Audio track of the press conference call held 3/6/2012 (.wav file)
  • Fatal Accident Investigation Report and Related Information - 12/11/2011

    The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration issued its Report of Investigation of the fatal underground mine explosion occurring April 5, 2010, and related material.
  • Fatal Accident Report
    (To include appendices, Executive Summary, and a Summary of Investigaton Powerpoint® show...)
  • Citations and Orders Issued
  • Proposed Assessment and Statement of Account 12/6/2011
  • Interview Transcripts
  • Interview Transcript Exhibits   
  • Statements from Ricky Foster, Jack Roles, Everett Hager and Wayne Persinger
  • Record Books
  • Command Center Logs
  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Ventilation Plans (Includes Drill Holes, Gas Wells and Blasting)
  • Roof Control Plans (Plan Added 3/6/2012)
  • Training Plan
  • Accident Investigation Interviews (Mine Rescue Activities)
    These are transcripts from 25 witness interviews of individuals that were called upon to attempt to rescue miners that were missing following the explosion at the mine on April 5, 2010.
  • View Transcripts
  • Investigative Report
    Portable Methane and Multi-Gas Detectors Recovered from a Mine Explosion at Performance Coal Company Upper Big Branch Mine-South (MSHA ID 46-08436) Montcoal (Raleigh County), WV
  • Mine Accident Scenario Video

    Download Video
    (To download, right click link and save file to your pc.
  • News Release
  • Press Briefing Audio Track (.wav)

  • "Recent Additions" Archive


  • Data Retrieval System   

    For more detailed information on this mine, please use this feature. There are reports on inspections, violations and more.
  • Citations, Orders and Safeguards Issued between January 2008 and April 5, 2010   
    Citations, Orders, and Safeguards , to include redacted violation text for some of the orders.
  • Citations, Orders and Safeguards Issued December 6, 2011   
    This application will return a page similar to what is found in Mine Data Retrieval System for violations. The actual citation/order is linked from the violation number.
  • Proposed Assessment and Statement of Account 12/6/2011
  • General Mining Statistics

    This page is a gateway to various web pages containing information on current and past mining statistics, including fatality charts, Mine Accident, Injury, Illness, Employment and Coal Production Statistics, and more.

  • Mine Safety and Health at a Glance

  • Mine Emergency Operations Overview

  • Citation and Order Explanations

  • Pattern of Violations Single Source Page

  • Briefing by Department of Labor, MSHA on Disaster at Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch Mine-South (reposted)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Documents

  • Fatalgram
  • Legal Identity Reports
  • Base Training Plan - Dated 1/30/2007
  • Addendum to Base Training Plan - Dated 09/24/2009
  • Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  • Base Ventilation Plan, Maps and Revisions
  • Simplified Mine Map (Upper Big Branch Mine-South) - Updated 4/9/2010
  • Company Mine Map Part 1 (Upper Big Branch Mine-South) (Very Large File)
  • Company Mine Map Part 2 (Upper Big Branch Mine-South) (Very Large File)
  • Mine Map with Victim Locations (Upper Big Branch Mine-South)
  • List of Re-entry Updates
  • Preliminary Reports of Accident - Updated 12/3/2010
  • Inspection Related Material

  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Regular Inspection Reports (10/11/2005 - 4/5/2010)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South - South Spot Inspections (10/5/2005 - 3/4/2010)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South - South Non-Injury Accident Investigations (3/13/2006 - 11/30/2009)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South - South Miscellaneous Inspections
    (Technical, Hazardous Conditions, 110(c) and 110(d), Non-Chargeable, and Office Generated Violations)
  • 103(j) - 103(k) Order Issued (4/05/2010 - 6/28/2010)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Withdrawal Orders (3/7/2008 - 3/24/2010)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Part 50 Audit (6/7/2010 - 9/7/2010)
  • Upper Big Branch Mine-South Data (As of 4/5/2010)

    Massey Energy Data (As of 4/5/2010)

  • Massey Energy Violation Summary
  • Massey Energy Civil Penalty Summary
  • Massey Energy - Current List of Mines
  • Underground Bituminous Coal Mine Data (As of 4/5/2010)

  • Underground Bituminous Coal Mine Violation Summary
  • Underground Bituminous Coal Mine Fatality and Injury Summary
  • Statements

    News Releases

    Some or all of the files available on this page are PDF. For more information on PDF, PDF readers and accessibility issues, please use this link.