Category Archive: Digital Strategy

2012 Federal Digital Strategy to guide agencies on improving web services, making content available on multiple devices and platforms.


Open Content Day and API Hackathon

Government employees gathered for a wikithon.

The Digital Services Innovation Center and GSA will be hosting Open Content Day on Tuesday, October 23. The purpose is to bring together some of the best minds in the government web space to develop strategies for better sharing and unlocking government content. The event is part of GSA’s work in helping agencies implement the …

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Demystifying DigitalGov Metrics with Page-Tags

USDA dashboard

Digital metrics are critical for measuring, analyzing, and reporting on the effectiveness of all your digital channels, but do the metrics you currently analyze really best illustrate the impact of your Web, mobile and social media on the mission? If the USDA’s case study is an indicator of how to take monitoring and reporting to …

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Digital Analytics Program to Help Agencies Measure Web Performance

analytics image

Support for agencies’ implementation of upcoming Digital Government Strategy milestones continues with the rollout of the Digital Analytics Program to help agencies measure performance and customer satisfaction to improve service delivery. This new program helps agencies by providing digital metrics guidance and practices, training and tools and implementation support. The Digital Government Strategy Milestone 8.2 …

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International Collaboration on Digital Government

North American Day participants collaborate on international information-sharing initiatives.

At the end of August, the CIOs of Canada, Mexico, and the United States met at the North America Day 2012 Summit in Williamsburg, VA, with other senior IT officials from each country. The theme of this year’s talks was Building Innovation into Digital Government. Discussions centered on: Digital government strategies Best practices in innovation Open …

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#SocialGov Summit Aims To Improve Performance

social gov summit

The Federal Social Media Community of Practice comes to NASA to discuss pan-federal citizen engagement initiatives.

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