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53rd Transportation Battalion (Movement Control)

Welcome to the 53rd Movement Control Battalion (EAC) website. The 53rd MCB is the U.S. Army Central's (USARCENT) premier Theater Movement Control Battalion; an effective and efficient Movement Control Battalion essential to providing flexible movement control operations to meet transportation requirements across the spectrum of the Joint Chief of Staff exercises and contingency operations in a joint and coalition environment. Our mission is as follows:

"Within 96 hours of notification, deploys to conduct movement control operations in order to facilitate the rapid projection of forces deploying into and out of the U.S. CENTCOM area of responsibility. Provide Command and Control for all attached or assigned Movement Control Teams in order to support reception, staging, onward movement, sustainment, retrograde and redeployment operations. Serves as the US Army Central (USARCENT) executive agent for theater movement control."

Within this site you will find information on how to contact the 53rd, as well as an introduction to the Command Group, a section for the Family Readiness Group, pictures, and other links of interest.

We hope you find this website useful, and if you have any issues, complaints, comments, or suggestions, please email them to 53rd Trans BN. Thank you.

Here, https://www.us.army.mil/suite/folder/7030480, you will find training documents for movement controllers, collected from numerous locations. You will need an Army Knowledge Online username and password to log into the site.

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