Our Mission

To protect public health and agriculture from the adverse effects of air pollution by identifying air pollution problems and developing a comprehensive program to achieve and maintain state and federal air quality standards.


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Air Monitoring Network Plan

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Title V

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Lawn Mower Trade-In Program


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The Ventura County Climate Change Almanac


The Ventura County Climate Change Almanac is our latest effort to address the climate change issue.  It contains international, national, and local information on climate change.  It also offers 63 actions one can do to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, personal stories, and a climate change timeline. For more information on this, go to Public Information section.


Try Transit


The free transit promotion is over for now, watch for summer promotions. Make transit a habit, ride often. Visit the new website for news from VISTA, Gold Coast Transit, Camarillo Area Transit, Thousand Oaks Transit, Simi Valley Transit, and Moorpark City Transit.


Voucher Incentive Program (VIP)


Fleet owners with three or fewer trucks can get up to $45,000 to scrap a pre-2004 truck and replace it with a 2007 or newer truck.


For more information please click here.


Draft 2009 RACT SIP


The draft 2009 Reasonably Available Control Measure  State Implementation Plan (2009 RACT SIP) is available for public review. The draft 2009 RACT SIP is available here.


Agricultural Engine Registration Program


APCD issues Compliance Assistance Advisory on enforcement of agricultural engine registration program and availability of money to replace older agricultural engines.


All agricultural engines 50 horsepower and greater are required to be registered with APCD. For information on the District’s agricultural engine registration program please click here.


Grants are available until August 6, 2010, to help replace older diesel agricultural engines with newer, compliant diesel engines, natural gas engines or electric motors. Click here for grant applications and more information.


For the District's "Engine Location Change Policy Memo" and notification form, click here.


Lawn Mower Trade-In


The Lawn Mower Trade-in Program started October 3, 2006. For program details click here. For a copy of our advertisement click here.





For more info, click here