Mendocino County

Air Quality Management District

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Winter Burning Season

Cal Fire announces transition out of 'Fire Season'. Mendocino County is now in 'Winter Burning' season. 

Open burning is allowed only on permissive burn days with a valid burn permit. Contact your local Fire Agency or Air Quality for more information.

Click Here for Online Burn Application

 More info 


Air quality permits, like building permits and other business permits, are a part of doing business. 

> When do I need an air quality permit?
> Why do I need an air quality permit?
> How do I apply for an air quality permit and what is the fee?..

 More info 

Carl Moyer - Engine Funding

Grants to help you meet Air Quality Regulations. 

The Carl Moyer Program provides incentive grants for cleaner-than-required engines and diesel-powered equipment.

 More info 

Diesel Engines

Information for owners of Portable and Stationary Diesel Engines in Mendocino County. 

> Do I need a permit to use my engine?
> What should I know prior to purchasing an engine?
> What is a stationary engine?
> What is a portable engine?

 More info 

Renovation and Demolition

Although asbestos use declined in recent decades, it's still used and found in existing building materials. 

> Are new building materials asbestos free?
> No asbestos was found, do I still need to notify the District?

 More info 

Dust Control

Fugitive dust suppression information for construction and grading activities. 

Fugitive dust is caused by grading, track-out from equipment and vehicles, exposed stockpiles, unpaved roads, staging areas, parking lots, etc.

 More info 

Burn Day Status

For todays burn day status please call 707-463-4391. .

Burn Permit Application> Click Here

Credit Card Payments

Service FEES are assessed to all Credit Card transactions by govPayNet:

Air Quality for Mendocino

Current Air Quality Index for county:
Observed on --/--/-- at --:00



AQI Animation -

More Air Quality Information:

Map data is collected from

News / Advisories

Mendocino County is in winter burning season. - All open burns require a permit.

Trader Joe's penalized $500,000 over refrigerant leaks - Owner and operators of systems using ozone depleting substances are required to perform leak repair and recordkeeping required under Title VI of the Clean Air Act for refrigeration equipment. Click Here for More Information

Air District Relaxes Portable Diesel Engine Enforcement - ARB has determined the standards for DPM may not be feasible. Click Here for More Information

California Air Resource Board News:

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The District Mission

  The mission of the Mendocino County Air Quality Management District is to protect and manage air quality, an essential public resource upon which the health of the community depends. 

  Mendocino County Air Quality Management District is one of 35 local Air Districts in California.

Learn more