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August 17, 2012


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tells states to use idle earmarks to improve transportation and put people to work


Do you folks have a list of the idle earmarks by state?

Robert Moses Parkway South. Niagara Falls, NY

Thank God for Obama! He shows he cares!!

How I wish that this eagerness to improve the overall condition of one country's transportation would be the same for all. If this happens, travelling would be much much easier and free from all the security concerns of travelers. More travelers, more business and improvement for all!

These earmarks were individually listed in the law. As part of the actual law, there is no agency or administrative delegation to shift the funds. Changing the purpose of the funds requires an act of Congress and a presidential signature. By what authority is President Obama reallocating these funds? Does the President now have the authority to change laws unilaterally because he doesn't like the way Congress is handling the problem? Does that authority extend to selecting the members of the electoral college? Unless there was a vote by Congress allowing these funds to be moved, we have a very serious problem on our hands.

Dear Secretary LaHood --

I sincerely hope that with these funds more people can go back to work again.

However, it would be nice if people working for DOT would not get laid off at the same time ... we also like to work and do our part (and we know we do it very well).



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